Diaries Magazine

21 Years Ago I Said No.

Posted on the 26 February 2013 by Mikidemann @mikidemann
Today is a wonderful day. 21 years ago today, I definitely didn't think it was so wonderful. I was 22 months old. Almost 2 years into my life and I had life set. One older brother and I was the only girl. I was probably really cute, too. My mom delivered my little baby brother into this world on February 26th 1992. She asked me if I wanted to bring him home from the hospital, and my response was, "yuck, no!". Luckily for me, she didn't listen to her know-it-all daughter and she did bring him home. 21 years ago today Christiaan Nigel was born. He had orange hair and he had really horrible acid reflux so he threw up all the time. What a precious baby.
Growing up.. Buba and I had our ups and downs. I was the only girl in the family. I had my older brother, Brennon, and then my little Christiaan aka Buba. When we were youngin's there were times when he was cheering because he was strong enough to push me down the stairs, and then there were time when he taught me tricks on the trampoline. All and all we had a great childhood together. We grew up in a strong family and I had wonderful relationships with both of my brothers.
I think that he and I built our best friendship right after I graduated high school. We had always been close, but there a couple things during high school that really created the incredibly close friendship we have now. Christiaan was a sophomore when I was a senior. In Utah you go into high school in 10th grade. 9th grade is still middle school (jr. high).  When I was a senior I dated one of Christiaan's friends and it put us in a really rocky spot. We had lots of fights and fought over this boys time and it made us stretch apart. The funny thing about stretching is when the tension is relieved you snap back into place. That's exactly what happened with us. After that relationship was over Christiaan and I bonded more than glue on glue. He has been my absolute best friend since I was 17. I am confident that he and I know everything about one another and we enjoy being around each other. When I lived at home we'd always run errands together. When he had his car taken away and I was in college, I'd drive him to and from school. We grew very close.21 years ago I said No.
I remember bringing guys home and it wasn't my dad that questioned whomever I was dating. It was my little brother. Of course, since he turned 15 he has been a good foot taller than me. He calls me his baby sister, and he's my big little brother. He has always had my back. He'd pick up my phone and ask so and so where he was taking me out, when I'd be home and if he should wait up. He did it with humor but he was really genuinely concerned about me. Christiaan has built an incredible relationship with Jared. They both adore each other. Christiaan invites Jared everywhere; paint-balling, swimming, dirt biking and this that and the other. I love that about him. He had made our family stronger and has made Jared feel very welcome in our family since day 1. Christiaan always does his own things but he is so confident in who he is. He's always known. He never waivers in his opinions, always sticks up for himself and others. He knows whats right and has the most kind heart.21 years ago I said No.21 years ago I said No.21 years ago I said No.
The hardest thing happened to us about a year or so ago. Christiaan decided to serve a LDS mission. This might not seem hard, but the thing is. I chose not to be  LDS. My family that is LDS seems to accept it and it hasn't ever been an issue within our relationships. We all support each other no matter what and family comes first for us. So back in October Christiaan left on an LDS mission to Nashville, TN. It's been really hard to support his decision when it's different from my beliefs. However, I know that Bub is doing what is right for him and I support that 100%! I am praying he meets all of our country idols. So far none. Even though he tricked me into thinking he had met Taylor Swift with this photo.
21 years ago I said No.
On a LDS mission we don't get to communicate with him very often. We were able to do a 3 way skype on Christmas. My parents were in Mexico, Bub was in TN and I was here in UT. Thank heavens he was able to skype or I don't know how that would have worked out. I think he gets to call on mothers day and I really look forward to that. It's been a very hard experience for me to only get a mass email once a week and a personalized email every other week-ish. He is only able to sit down and email on Mondays and can't communicate through any social media. I can't explain how much I miss him popping into my house and taking my dogs out for a walk with me. He is the greatest puppy uncle. He doesn't even care when Shia would fart. Well not that much anyway. I miss him so much. I probably have a break down every other week where there are 20 minutes where I bawl and I bawl because I miss my baby brother.  Today is definitely one of those days. I am happy for his experience, but that doesn't mean I miss the hell out of him. I am hoping if anything that this makes our communications channels stronger and we realize how much we appreciate one another and the ease of our regular life. When he comes home he will be 22, that's how old I am right now. Ahh! Come home baby boy!21 years ago I said No.21 years ago I said No.21 years ago I said No.
However, today is not about tears or my missing heart! It's about celebration! I am so glad he was born and that my mom brought him home, instead of listening to me. He is a VITAL part of my life. This is the birthday surprise that I overnighted to him, because I am a procrastinator.21 years ago I said No.
Christiaan, my little big brother,I know you won't be able to read this for a year a half, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I miss you with every inch of my heart. When you get home I will be at the airport waiting for you. You'll finally meet your nephew, Indie. Then we will head straight to Moab and you can show me up on your dirt bike, as you do. I want you to know I am so proud of you for being who you are. You're a strong man and I really look up to you. I can't wait to have you home so someone gets all my dumb jokes and I won't be laughing by myself anymore. 
Xoxo,Your baby sister

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