Self Expression Magazine

A Peek into Our Life : My Birthday from San Francisco

Posted on the 12 November 2013 by Livingnotes @livingnotesnyc
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco Yesterday we celebrated my 33rd birthday. As always, for me it is another turning point and the time to look forward in hope for new life's gifts with the gratitude for happiness blessed with before. If you follow me on Instagram, then you are "in the know" that we now call San Francisco our home. The move was quick and sudden, just as many great things in life. And just in the same way, when the opportunity comes you got to seize the day and go with the flow. We are still more in boxes then I would like, but considering the amount we are juggling non-stop between jobs, schools and children's needs I think we've done fantastic.
We are not much of the ones who would fall under "traditional" description, because, well, nothing is traditional about our family. From the multicultural backgrounds to very un-traditional 5 children for a professional dancer and the same 5 children by early thirties. But we have our own things we like to do, and those un-traditions are very much a custom to us now, with photo - journaling as one. There are many moments we keep just for our own eyes, but today I'd like to share our day with you. It may just a peek, but it's a peek into our very real every day life. 
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ my morning started with the giggling in the living room. i love the interaction these two have. a brother and a sister. i hope one day they realize how lucky they are to have each other, fights and all ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco  A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ i love these presents. i have a whole bunch of these masterpieces safely put away for memories ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ a present of being happy and content - I couldn't ask for better one. and one more word : ears ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ the oldest and the youngest. another one from the category : they are extremely lucky to have each other ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco^^ in this case , they KNOW it ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ when we celebrate something, we love to go out to explore things. We hit a couple of art galleries, a bread factory and just fun neighborhood of Fisherman's Wharf. more of photos to come soon, until then Instagram knows it all, you know. on the other note - San Francisco has the most gorgeous architecture i've seen in a long while. i will be sure to share more with you soon as well ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ whenever we pass by the park, it's a given that wherever we are going will be delayed by 30 minutes. at the very least ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ because, you know - dandelions in november is quite a catch ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ and for moments like this - it's absolutely worth a little wait ^^ 
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ our little home celebration is really little. a cake, some ice-cream and a couple of pastries - all are completely on children's request, because the designated birthday candle ( that we had for 5 years now!) is such a tradition in our un-traditional family.  
A peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ this candle is 1/2 way gone in 5 years of birthdays. we've grown quite attached to it, which is probably not the greatest of ideas : what are we going to do when it is gone? ^^ 
A peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ song sang, wishes made, candle blown - now off to cake eating...^^ 
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^... although not everyone has made it that far, even if it was only 7:30 pm. that daylight savings time change...^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San FranciscoA peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ i took this picture as soon as we brought the carseat in because those cheeks have stolen my heart for a 1000th time that day. and the fact that he didn't budge and kept on sleeping even when i transferred him to his bassinet needed to be documented. it never happened before ^^
A peek into our life : my birthday from San Francisco ^^ another year passed, another turn made, another new moon, another new beginning. here is to the new path, filled with happiness, love, success and best of memories ^^

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