Self Expression Magazine

Awww Shucks Y’all…

Posted on the 19 December 2014 by Drowqueen @theburnedhand

Breathe in.  Focus on your breath.  Breathe out.  Whooosh.  What am I doing?  Oh hi there.  Nothing.  People are trying to make me cry and stuff…but like that man in Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, I am holding it back.  Please tell me you clicked on that link.  It’s funny.  Shhh.  Kids movies are funny…plus I don’t see erm adult movies anymore.  Back to the point of this post.

I am counting the good days, the good things that happen, and the good people in my life.  I am ignoring the bad right now because it’s something I need to do for myself.  It is one of my coping mechanisms when I am having a hard time.  Somehow, God, the universe and good people know when I am having a hard time.  Ok, so I tell God things all the time, but it’s kind of like telling your teacher…maybe even tattling on yourself.  You can’t help but think God, are you listening to me?  Am I in time-out now?  Or maybe He’s like “Aimee, calm down.  I am trying to take of the other 1,000,000 people who need me right now.  Just chill.”  So here I am chilling.  Occasionally going God, pick me!  Pick me!  It’s my turn!!!  I am being patient.  Well, that’s when He sends in my friends.  My support system.  People who are there to help.

Knowing that I have a “life sentence” of dealing with the ups and downs of invisible diseases, well, I am not going to lie, I do have “woe is me” days and I hate those days.  So I work extra hard to focus on others on those days.  I built my fan page around picking up people like me.  So imagine my surprise when I woke up one morning, way after all you other nice people have gone to work, and found a note on my wall that I was one of 22 most inspirational pages for my friend Sheila.  Well, I was shocked.  Look for yourself…I am actually there.  Have a peek.  Really.  It’s still there.  I thought maybe it was going to go away like magic, but it’s still there!!  22 Most Inspiring Facebook Pages.   Ta-dahhhhhh.

A sense of “you must be doing something right” came over me.  Then this contest jumped up in my face here on Best Health Blogs 2014.  And I thought why not me too?  I got a later start than everyone else who knew about the contest, but it can’t hurt.  I technically need a mere 1000 votes to catch up, but it’s for $1,000 and I would definitely put that money to good use as I am paying off dachshund bills, backed up sink, and erm things that were ruined in my attic like my brand-new Christmas tree, but who’s counting?  I’m not.  Oh and that burning smell in my mini-van that I continue to pray to God will keep working…so we dump more oil in and keep on going (P.S.  it’s got some sort of oil leak…but it’s fine).  So these things I do not focus on.  I don’t.  I do that thing that children do when they can’t hear you…I cover my ears and go lalalalalala.   Ignore.  Can’t deal with you right now.

And guess what?  It works for me because I can focus on the good.  When I tell you the “bad” and you understand that someone out there gets it, not just kinda gets it, but really and truly could look you in the eye and say “I have been where you are, I might still be there, but it’s getting better day by day.”  And you realize that you are not always going to be wherever “there” is.  That it might be bad at this moment.  It might.  But stop, breathe in and out and find the good in your life.  It’s there.  Trust me sisters and brothers, it’s there.  Oh and note to self, God hasn’t stop listening.  He hears you.  He is making way right now for some amazing things to come into your life.  So put on your cape, and start focusing on the good.  You can do this.

empower cape time

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