Diaries Magazine

Be Different in 2017

Posted on the 09 January 2017 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

In 2017 I want to be different.

I know just announcing that I want to be different is a huge statement.

I know I can't magically be Angelina Jolie or maybe Drew Barrymore. However, it would be nice to be able to magic up some things like a new house, more money or say kids that do as they are told? I can dream can't I?

By different I mean do things differently, pare back, simplify, and take some time to just be.

In 2016 I was racing around like a mad person. I had a new baby and kids at school that required me taking them to many after school activities. This year I want to stop many of the after-school activities aside from two that the girls love and that is about it.

Now it is 2017 I would love to be a calmer and more productive year for all, more so for me as a mummy. I was the one dealing with carting people back and forth and trying to keep an annoyed and tired baby entertained while the kids had their time at guitar practice or other activity.

This year it would be a lovely change to go home and to just be. The only fight I see on the horizon for after school is getting kids to do their homework. Other than that, maybe tidying their room and helping around the house but that is a standard annoyance.

One other major annoyance I have had is the stress that goes along with getting kids to listen and do as they are told. I do try and keep calm but my voice gets raised and then I end up yelling after the millionth time of telling and asking for someone to do a simple task! Yes, frustrating to say the least.

So, this year I would like to yell less or maybe not at all. I know that I'm not perfect and being a real mum means that things don't happen like the movies or the magazines, but it would be nice to have things go a little more smoothly this year.

Another major milestone is about to happen soon, our little boy Alexander is going to start day-care. I know some might not think day-care is a good idea but I feel that it will help his socialisation with others and especially kids his own age.

He will explore and learn new things and it will all help his development. I am rather anxious about this day but also to excited. The anxious part is Alexander is still very clingy to me and frets when I leave the room, I hope that he will love the place and forget about me when we are there. We are scheduled for an orientation day so that he can get used to the space and people, and I hope this helps him feel more secure at the day-care centre.

On the days that he goes to care I am hoping to get more done with the blog and the house. The alone time will also allow me to do things that I cannot do with kids, maybe get my hair done, go to the movies by myself, go to the gym or maybe do some laps in the pool, or how about finally go for a walk on my own without a pram. Oh, how I am looking forward to this.

I do hope that Alexander will love childcare, he is such a busy little person that I'm sure he will keep everyone on their toes and enjoy all the new experiences.

The twins started childcare a day a week once they turned one. It did them a world of good and especially me, due to no family nearby. I am on my own looking after the kids. Hubby works late so if something needs to be done I do it.

It was nice when I had that one day per week for just me. I could either plan to do something for me or whiz through the house and do a huge tidy up. It is so much easier to tidy without kids seeing what you are doing... and terrible if they see you chuck out their artwork or prized creations. (cue the screaming and tears!)

I am prepared that I will be upset for a few weeks until Alexander settles in and I hope that he likes it as much as I think he will. We will see.

Lately I've been thinking of all the things that I would love to achieve this year. Some are huge and others are not. Many align to my calmer and simpler idea for 2017:
  • Cut down on after school activities
  • Less television time
  • More time with the kids
  • Less or no yelling
  • Be calmer
  • Do more exercise
  • Be happier
  • De-clutter the house to feel better
  • Days for just me (Mummy). I could be blogging away on my new laptop or just at the pool doing laps, or maybe seeing a film no else wishes to see and I finally can. It could even be a day at the spa????? A Pamper day for me...what a delightful thought.
  • A tidier and more organised home that makes everyone happier and calmer.
Do you have goals for 2017? Are they to just do less like mine? I know I have a full list of other things but if I'm not racing around to get to the other activities I have time to prioritise on the real tasks I wish to focus on.

I suppose I'm looking at what is important to me and my family. What are your priorities for 2017?

Maybe another way to look at new year goals is what annoyed you last year that you don't wish to do ever again, this way you can simplify your year and make you happier at the same time.

I for one hated the fact that the kids and I only had one day per week to be at home after school. The rest was filled with activities I had to race to, and all the while keep a baby happy and sometimes this was not possible and I had a screaming baby.

Let me know what you have decided to not do in 2017 that will put a smile on your face. Send in your comments.

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