Self Expression Magazine

…breathe with No Air

Posted on the 08 November 2011 by Zer @the2women
…breathe with no air

...seems pretty clear to me

The Internet has become a large part of our lives.  As much as it pains me to say this (as I fittingly use the medium to share my opinion regarding it), I think it’s clear that we’ve gone way too far down the rabbit hole to turn back now.

As further evidence I present a recent study (conducted by Cisco)which found that one in three students/professionals under the age of 30 believes that the Internet is as important as air, water, food, and shelter.

Somewhere Captain Planet, Bill Nye, Mother Nature, and a large collection of Kindergarten science teachers are openly weeping.

Where did Cisco find these people?  I am speaking of course of the under-30 Internet addicts, not the collection of horribly saddened educators and fictional ambassadors of basic biological knowledge.

I understand, having personally developed my own level of reliance on the Internet.  I also agree, even though it can be a headache, the Internet has done wonderful things for us.  It’s launched revolutions, saved lives, and made the world a much smaller place.

I still find it hard to believe that we’ve really gotten so bad that when presented with the basic needs of life and a tool of convenience we put them on the same level?

Maybe we just need to review a little bit.  Here’s a little Science 101 for you all:

Without the Internet you miss out on the latest YouTube cat, Kardashian news, or possibly a few current events (which you can probably find on a television, on the radio, or in a newspaper).

Without food, water, shelter, and air you die.

I think we’re done here.


“Internet or Air? One in Three Young Workers Says Internet”: CNN

“Young People Think the Internet is as Important as Breathing”: Business Insider

…bi-daily smile…

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