Diaries Magazine

Ch 1 - Don't Say the j Word

Posted on the 22 July 2012 by Mavie
The sun shone in her eyes and she squinted into the distance. Hina should have been with her by now, what could be keeping her? She sat down on the kerb, legs spread into the narrow road and slid her fingers into her bra. Rooting around she felt the smooth filter of the cigarette she had stashed there only moments earlier. She grinned as she lit up, inhaling deeply she remembered the look on her mums face as she announced she was going out for a jog. Nada never jogged anywhere, she had never jogged before in her life so why would she start now? That’s why the look on her mums face was priceless, surprised and she stood stirring the pot of curry on the stove, watching her daughter dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt as she stood in the kitchen.“You? Jogging?” Her mom asked. “Yeah, why not? You always go on about my stomach, so I thought I’d give it a go.” Nada shrugged one shoulder.“Oh let her go Farrah, you never know when the right family will ask for her hand in marriage.” Farrah’s sister called from the breakfast bar where she was slicing vegetables for the salad. Well, that’s one way of getting out of this house, Nada crossed her fingers behind her back praying her fitness fanatic mother would let her go. Nada desperately needed a cigarette after all the innuendos her aunt had been throwing at her for the past few days. Just like now, she was referring to the extra weight Nada carried on her waist, constantly comparing her to her cousins who were a perfect size ten with a flat stomach to boot. Breathing deeply Nada pushed the negative thoughts from her mind, she had just spotted her best friend striding down the street, her neon pink cardigan giving her away. She had known Hina since she was a child, their parents introduced them when they were just five. They had gone to primary school together then high school and finally university where they were studying different courses. “Nada!” The harsh whisper sounded in her right ear.Whipping her head around Nada looked behind her wondering how Hina had managed to close the distance so soon. Her eyes darted around but Hina wasn’t there, shooting a nervous glance down the road she saw her friend still some distance away, not close enough to call out to. The hair on Nada’s neck stood up and she felt an uneasy feeling descended around her, jumping to her feet she turned in a full circle. Everything seemed as it should be so why was she feeling peculiar, a little scared? Shaking the dark vibes away, Nada pulled a deep mouthful of smoke feeling it settle into her lungs. “Hey you! I just got your text. How long have you been waiting?” Hina dropped down on the curb.“Not long, here have a fag.” Nada fished down her bra again.“That’s okay, I got my menthols.” “Did you just call out to me?”“Eh? Why?” Hina seemed puzzled. “I swear someone just whispered in my ear.”“How can I whisper from down the road?”“I know. That’s what I thought, ah, forget it. Anyway what’s happening?” Nada flicked her cigarette away.“Same old. Had to wash the dishes before coming out, how about you?”“Yeah, Aunty Fozia is around. She’s doing my head in, banging on about my weight, my hair and even my clothes! She just won’t stop and I had to get out.”They sat quietly for a few more seconds, “I mean, just what is their problem? They are so messy and the girls have taken over my room! I’m sleeping on my parents’ bedroom floor!” Nada clenched her fist.“When are they going?” “Next week. Thank God, I can’t bloody wait.” She had had enough of her mum’s sister and children. It seemed as if everything revolved around the guests, when they wanted to eat, what they wanted to eat and Nada was expected to clean up after them as her mom was too tired to do it herself. Nada hated the extra work, even more she hated other people in her bed, she now appreciated her messy bedroom with its lumpy mattress and crumb filled carpet. Every time she complained to her mum, she was placated with the explanation that relatives who were lucky enough to have maids cleaning up after them, had no idea how the other half lived. Cleaning up didn’t even cross their minds when they left used tissues on table or shoes in the hallway or even dishes in the sink. A little while later, the girls said their goodbyes and headed home. As Nada walked the two streets back to her house, she couldn’t help feeling a slight chill run down her back. Turning around she saw the shrinking pink clad back as Hina disappeared from view, yet the feeling of being watched intensified with each step. Hurrying now, Nada crossed the road, she wasn’t far now, if she squinted she could just about make out the top windows of her house. Except, who was that in the window? Nada slowed down, she was almost home yet the shadow hadn’t moved. That was her parent’s bedroom, no one went in there except to sleep.CH 1 - DON'T SAY THE J WORD
With only a few meters until her front door, a chilly gust of wind blew through Nada’s hair. She gasped, hands flying up to her head. The sun was about to set but there was no wind, what had caused her hair to lift? She looked up at the window, empty now, no traces of someone having been there. As she pushed open the door a sudden scream pierced the hallway.

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