Diaries Magazine

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

Posted on the 10 May 2014 by Jillofalltrades @JillDeTrabajos
Today I received the most ridiculous mail I've ever gotten in my life.
Won't you be so kind as to accompany me on this journey?

Saint Matthews Churches Spam

It's no accident BECAUSE GOD.

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

They are very emphatic.

So I opened up the envelope, right?  One thing appeared to be a letter, so I started there.  A couple words jumped out at me.

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

I was all...dude, I get a free rug?

So I shuffled through the papers to try to find the Prayer Rug they were talking about.  I found a folded up piece of purple paper and had a good feeling. 
I was SO not disappointed.

White Jesus Prayer Rug

Oh...hi, White Jesus.  Mind if I kneel on your face?

Then I read the inscription at the bottom.
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Okay, first of all...I don't get to keep the Prayer Rug?
And second of all...what's this about Jesus' eyes?
I tried it.  I stared into his creepy, empty face and do you know what fucking happened?  I could suddenly see his eyeballs through his eyelids.  It was like one of those picture books that looks like an old tv between channels until you stare at it and it becomes a sailboat or whatever.  EXCEPT IT WAS JESUS.

White Jesus Creepy Stare Prayer Rug

Look into my eyes....don't mind my tears (or is that a giant mole?)....

It should be noted that Jesus is a zombie.  I'm just saying.
The back of the Prayer Rug looked like the menu at a Renaissance-themed pub, and made it very clear that you had damn well better return this "rug" because GOD IS WATCHING YOU, MOTHERFUCKER.
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
The Father is Watching
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Feeling I'd gotten the full Prayer Rug experience, I then moved on to the Sealed Prophecy. 
Sealed Prophecy
According to Proverbs 16:20 I ain't gonna prosper, 'cuz I TOTALLY didn't listen to instructions.  I ripped right into that "red-sealed prophecy" without even considering placing my prayer page and Prayer Rug back in the mail.

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

Ooh, red-sealed.  Fancy.


Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

Oh man...I unsealed it!


Oh fuck yes it is.

The Prophecy

Bam.  The Prophecy.

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

THANK GOD THAT THIS ANOINTED PRAYER RUG IS BACK IN THE MAIL--cuz you totes sent it right? God is watching!

Overall, I was pretty disappointed with The Prophecy.  It was boring.  I moved on.
The last paper in there, besides the return envelope, was a testimonial page.  This was the best part.
Blessed with almost 47,000 after using Prayer Rug bullshit
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
They had a handy dandy little visual aid to give you some ideas of the ways God could bless you, and funny enough, they didn't make nearly as big a deal out of money there.

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

A point of contact...with...?  White Jesus?

Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER

See?  Teeny tiny.

God is watching YOU

Did you forget God is watching?  BECAUSE GOD IS WATCHING.

I decided I'd send it back, but with a few minor changes of my own:
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Bullshit of Biblical Proportions
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
Christian Snail Mail Spam--Best Mail EVER
I sealed it up in the envelope, wrote in a fake name...

Mr and Mrs Tilda P Higgenbotham

Mr. and Mrs. Tilda P. Higgenbotham do not think highly of Christian Snail Mail Spam.

...and sealed it up.
Best part about this prank?  This:


Hah.  Suckers!

Note to readers: probably avoid Saint Matthews Churches.  Especially because of their page on ripoffreport.com.

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