Creativity Magazine


Posted on the 24 December 2011 by Muhammadhazem @MuhammadHazem
Compassion  Why do wegrow oblivious to our moments of defeat? Aren't we all creatures of sins? Whydo we pelt others with jagged words when we witness them in their weak moments;when their incompleteness speaks vulgarly on their behalf? Our discourtesy haskept many in the dark; those who bear the shame of their sins and firmlybelieve that they will find no compassion in confiding in anybody butAllah     
  I see in theeyes of many an expression of exhaustion and defeat. I coax them to utter whatis inside of them. Regardless of how sincerely I promise to not turn into ajudgmental, relentless listener, they fail to disclose. Their apprehensionsabout how cold the world has grown became intensified and deepened. They withstandthe bitterness of shame inside their hearts, limping across earth, scoldingtheir souls, fearing the world, yearning for   compassion. 
Why can't welisten with empathy to those who sinned? Why can't we take the hands of thosewho fell; of those whose bones grew feeble enough to not bear the weight oftheir flesh? Why do we act as kings when we were once slaves? Is it thesweetness of triumph that gives us the right to stab those who have not beenfortunate enough to rise as we did?
  Allahpromises forgiveness and mercy. His kindness brings tears to the eye ofhopeless. As a sinner thumps diligently through the words of Qur'an, he feelshis burdens melting like a patch of ice withering under the mild afternoonsunlight. He raises his hands to speak unclearly as he sobs and quivers. IfAllah who tactfully designed our souls and spirits bestows rivers of mercy andforgiveness upon our hearts, why can't humans attempt to emulate such virtuousbehaviors, offering compassion and care to those who need it the most?
Our thinkinghas been conditioned by faulty perceptions of elegance, charm and beauty. Thosewho do not fit do not deserve to inhale. Strangle them swiftly to spare theworld their pathetic existence! In a fast-paced, self-centered universe,compassion grew rare. Pragmatism and its unfortunate implications, spawnedcold-hearted creatures, marching solely to reap, possess, and steal. 
 A female whose will has failed her to shoveher down a lustful slope can rise to summon righteousness and honor that noall-day praying nun can ever garner. Do not judge for you never know the end.Do not deem for you never know the story behind the relapse. Do not hate foryou never know when the devil will take you by the hand to shower you with themost shameful sins.  
Regardlessof how disgraceful one's sins can become, he can rise to be the best he can.Our actions do not necessarily speak on our behalf; sometimes we do things thatdeeply contradict our values and beliefs as we fall hardly under the heat oftemptation. So, be compassionate in the face of the distressed. Pat theirshoulders, chuckle at their faces and convey to them your understanding. Younever know who will eventually earn Allah's paradise. Do not let pride impairyour intents as it is pride that expelled the devil from Allah's heaven andoverriding mercy.
The facethat was once smeared with expressions of vulnerability and lust can grow to bea face of light and purity. What if the sins that you have experiencedsecretively were committed in different circumstances, under the unforgivingeyes of others? How it would have felt? Contemplate deeply to win this drasticexperience in empathy. And even if you are a creature of will and few blunders,does our Islam induce us to walk with palms scarred with the stones that webelt people with? Does it induce us to live with a heart tinged with rage andcontempt? Think under the bleakness of a cold night. Heal from the inside andallow yourself to experience alternative beliefs. ------------------------------------------  ιиѕριяє∂ вy: A book I am currently reading which entails a chapter about relapses and how susceptible any human can be to them 

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