Creativity Magazine

Confessions of a List Junkie

Posted on the 15 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

I like lists.

  1. The way the original cookie monster likes cookies.
  2. The way cats like napping.
  3. The way little kids like markering their own face.

When I posted my math formula, I had some questions about how much time I devote to each aspect of my life. I’m not ashamed to say that I dedicate at least 1 point of my day to planning the rest of the day.  In fact, some days are scheduled and set aside just for list making.

I have lists everywhere.  There’s always one in my pocket and one on my computer desktop.  There’s usually two on my wall and I carry around two notebooks full.  Lists are plentiful in my life.

  1. The way sand is plentiful in the desert
  2. The way written words are plentiful in a library
  3. The way pebbles are plentiful on a long gravel road

The lists are about all sorts of things– varying from time-sensitive, incredibly practical needs, to far off dreams and silliness.

  1. My grocery list is updated twice a week
  2. My hobby management list is updated twice a month
  3. My list of famous art that would be better with a unicorn is updated as needed
Changes the whole thing, doesn't it?

Changes the whole thing, doesn’t it?

The problem is, all these lists make most of the lists ineffective.  The process of checking off a list item inevitably only makes the list longer.  All my lists are on different sizes of paper, and sometimes not even paper, and all of that is wedged in a notebook.

  1. Some are written on the backs of receipts
  2. Some are written on napkins
  3. Some are written on loose ribbons

When you open up one of my notebooks, it looks a little something like this:

What? I'll get to it eventually...

What? I’ll get to it eventually…

I’m constantly inventing new ways to make lists.  I have a special hole puncher, that goes to a special notebook, specifically designed for the organizational templates that I’m always so excited by.

The type of list that receives the brunt of my insanity innovation are the ones for groceries.

  1. Programmer style. “If you buy low-carb pasta from store X, then buy Parmesan cheese.”
  2. Mom style.  “Monday meal plan says to buy these 5 items.”
  3. Bachelor style.  “I got $20 in my pocket…”

I keep an on-going grocery list on my virtual post-it note program, subject mostly to my cravings– which is to say, it’s just a confusing list of different types of cheese.  I type a variety of things into my virtual post-it note of joy.

  1. My contact information, for easy access
  2. My ethical and practical problems with underwear
  3. Post ideas that would be better for guest posts than my own blog

I also pre-type my comments to you in this post-it note program.  This way, if I am distracted on my journey through the ‘net, I don’t forget that I started a comment to you.

Recently, my brain malfunctioned and I copied and pasted a little more than just my comments.  Yes, I copied and pasted my lists into the comments.

It was pretty hilarious and mortifying all at once, especially as WordPress doesn’t give you the ability to edit comments.  I didn’t know what to do.

  1. Pretend it was a deliberate cheese-based haiku with impressively difficult to understand meaning.
  2. Pretend the post triggered thoughts about underwear.
  3. Admit to being a junkie.

I finally erred on the side of truth, and fessed up.

I’m addicted to lists.  They fall out of my pockets and escape from my keyboard.  They tumble out of my mind and into everything I do and they only seem to grow year after year.  I have no excuse, or explanation.  I only know that I feel like I’m organizing the world, mapping my dreams, and catching my errant firefly-like thoughts. 

It wouldn’t be so bad if I was actually checking items off the list regularly.  I’m sure I could figure out a way to make that happen, though– I just need a good, comprehensive list of plans….


Are you a list-maker, too?  What’s your grocery shopping method?

All my favorite people participate
in #ForThePromptless10/9 – 10/15 – “Season 3, Episode 10: Shopping List”

  • Serendipity – Life is a List
  • Sue’s Trifles – Shopping List
  • TheMatticusKingdom – Don’t Forget the Soap
  • Manresa, Maine – Listmania
  • The D/A Dialogues – Terrifically Told Tales
  • Haiku by Ku – A Pup’s Shopping List
  • Fish of Gold – A WordPress Shopping List
  • OneStarvingActivist – Let’s Go Shopping
  • As the Forest Bird Flies – No Groceries
  • Draliman – Draliman’s Guide to Lists
  • My Thought Exactly! – My Shopping List
  • BehindTheWillows – Was I Supposed to Bring that?
  • … and you?

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