Creativity Magazine

Crystal Roses

Posted on the 17 September 2014 by Jkalwaye
Crystal Roses
Upon these words escape with me
And brandish swords of past
Escape the soul with lonesome pleaProclaim enchantment never lasts
A tear resides beside the stage
The harbinger of players
Contemplate as every sageLike Byron wrote in prayers
In the snowy evening time
Frosted smiles still breathe
Smell the lily crystallizedAlabaster’s ivory,
Love resides within the lair
Like sections cut in fourths
Dance in moonlight fainted ClaireVeiled eyes behind hold remorse,
Tears and smiles are passion’s cry
Wilted rose’s fragrance torn
Torrents, gales inside the eyesScarlet lips lamented storm.Caroline Morphew is so talented and God's own gifted poet .She composed this poem thinking that If we were flowers the petals would represent our different parts.Thank you my dear friend Caro for blessing my blog with your magical poem .Her page on facebook

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