Diaries Magazine

Day 186: See Katie

Posted on the 15 November 2011 by Ellacoquine @ellacoquine

Since August, there hasn't been a week that has gone by without a Katie robbery story. I swear, I'll be 90 years old and still be dealing with her as she gives me back the things she stole in piece meal. As aforementioned, I realized that she had more of my things and unfortunately, I had to meet with her to collect them. Having her mail them would only buy her time and naturally some crisis with the postal service would occur, preventing her to return items that never belonged to her.
After her cancelling several times and changing the time at the last minute, my mother and I were finally able to get to honor her commitment and meet her on a gloomy autumn afternoon in Albertson. We pulled into Da Vinci's parking lot and there she was, waiting in her car to hand over the hot items. This is the first time I had seen her since the summer. The last time we saw each other was in Paris and she was having dinner with Monsieur Flâneur and I at Le Chinon in The Marais where I was completely oblivious to the fact that I was breaking bread with two morally inept sociopaths or as my mother calls them; total assholes.
I tapped on her car window and she rolled her eyes at the sight of me, like I was imposing this great inconvenience on her. She got out of the car and handed a garbage bag over that contained my grandmother's black long cashmere sweater, a chunky Anthropologie cardigan that I bought back when I worked there in high school and the only designer item I own that was paid retail; a navy blue J'Adore Dior t-shirt that my mom bought me for my 20th birthday at Harrod's on her first lay-over in London. 
My mother of course couldn't resist adding her two cents asking her what she was thinking, what her problem was and when is she going to pay me back for damages done to my apartment and the other missing items that she cannot seem to recover. Katie couldn't give a straight answer, only excuses. I have never met someone who exhausts me as much as her. While my mother wanted answers, I just wanted to go. My strong distaste for her is obvious and no longer have the energy to make snarky comments or the desire to want answers, I just want her to be gone.
Katie claims that she will pay me back for the apartment damages and made sure to make her best puppy dog face feigning concern and regret over her bad decision of robbing me. It was embarrassing. She is not upset that she completed the third installment of the trifecta of my 2011 hell, she's upset because she got caught and exposed. 
It will be awhile before I wear these returned items because they smell like low-class trash and taking everything to get dry-cleaned at once would cost a fortune. Why do I feel like this isn't the end? What else will I discover missing?

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