Diaries Magazine

Diamonds and Best Friends

Posted on the 11 January 2013 by Missliabilities

Diamonds and Best Friends

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 Guess where I will be at 5:30 today?
Nope, not on my way home or drunk in a bar. Fantastic guesses though! I'll be engagement ring shopping with my best friend. Both of us are fed up with our men using the excuse "I don't know what kind of ring to get you," as why they haven't proposed. So we decided to woman up and support each other as we enter Jareds, Kay, Dahlkempers, etc.
My knowledge on real jewelry is lacking: I have a pearl necklace I got for prom, a diamond necklace for my 18th birthday and that's it! The other stuff is from Claires or Icing :). This shopping trip is going to be educational for both M and I. He will be receiving a full report shortly afterwards with pictures included. If you haven't read Emma, Your Doctor's Wife blog post The Doctors' Wives on wives and the jewelry they typically wear, do - it's hilarious as usual! (I will be Wife #1)
What kind of engagement ring do I think I want? I'm a square cut kind of gal, so Princess might be more my style. I like simplicity when it comes to the engagement ring: one big diamond and no fuss with little diamonds surrounding the band. If I want bling later I can always find a wedding band with what I need. The only thing I'm worried about is the color of it. I can spot a low grade diamond a mile away and I want something big and colorless that still fits in our budget (M says no $10,000 rings, boo). If my diamond has the pink or yellow hue I've seen on other girls' jewels I won't be too happy.
That's not true, I'll be happy with most anything M could give me because I know he's been scraping money together for it, and part of that was his grandfather's money from his estate. The great thing about being a med student's girlfriend is that the big purchases are a thousand times more appreciated than if he were just a regular Joe with a 9 to 5 job. This ring will comes from sacrificing weekend trips and expensive nights out at the bar.
But it better have a white gold band! ;)
What kind of ring do you have? Was it given in med school or residency or replaced after a fall down the drain?

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