Diaries Magazine

D.I.Y. Halloween Masks

Posted on the 31 October 2012 by Paulakathlyn @paulakathlyn
D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
Happy Halloween everybody!!! We are having a GREAT Halloween so far :)  Caleb is counting down the minutes until "showtime". I can't wait to post their pictures of their costumes tomorrow.
Being that it is a Halloween, we skipped nap and did a fun Halloween craft... Spooky Masks!!!
They were quick, easy, cheap, and Caleb is really having some fun with them.
Supplies: Colored felt hot glue and gun elastic black permanent marker candy (optional ;-))
First, fill your mouth with lots of candy. D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
Decide what kind of masks you want. We wanted a skeleton skull (as requested by Caleb), a Frankenstein monster, a ghost, and a pumpkin. 2 small ones for the kiddos and two larger ones for the parents. I pulled up a photo on my phone and guesstimated as I cut. These masks are very forgiving! D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
Couple of nostrils hot glued here... D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
Some scary details drawn on there... D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
Then I sewed elastic to the sides and voila! Spookiness on the go! Repeat for each mask, adding whatever details you would like! Frankenstein is my fav :) D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
You can't see it here, but Lorelei was totally laughing under her mask! I think she was trying to figure out what was going on.....either that or the felt was tickling her :) D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
D.I.Y. Halloween Masks
We hope you all have a fun and safe and SPOOOOOOOOKY Halloween!!! What are you and your kids dressing up as for Halloween???

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