Creativity Magazine

Each Moment…Anew

Posted on the 16 September 2018 by Berijoy @berijoy
Each Moment…Anew "Every morning, the sun rises with endless possibilities that give you endless opportunities to begin again and to create a brand-new life."

Life cycles around and around and the question becomes what are you learning? How are you growing, changing, renewing as you traverse the wheel of this life?

There are lessons, upon lessons, upon lessons that we repeat until we get them, the message of each lesson. In the meantime, you could be knocked down, dragged and run over, before you get there. If you're a big RESISTER to learning the lesson, or to any kind of change, you might have to hit the proverbial 'rock bottom' before you can get the re-set you need.


When that moment of clarity hits, it's like the Spring season I love, (which is also the season of my birth), bringing with it the opportunity to begin again, to start anew. I love do-overs and new beginnings, fresh opportunities, potentiality and possibility when I've registered the lesson. It can be invigorating and even, affirming, to be able to stand a little taller in your skin, to see that all the hullabaloo you experienced wasn't for naught.

It is growthful to have acquired some wisdom, to emerge from the darkness with more light, to be a little better because you learned something important for yourself, for your life, that you can use. And you are better for it.

"Change may not always bring growth, but there is no growth without change."

― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

In the renewal, mistakes of yesterday are forgotten, the effects of deeds done in the dark can see the light of day, be identified and forgiven. That is, if there is growth. And if there is, the cycle round life again, takes you up a level on the spiral.

To begin anew means renewal for the body, mind, and spirit.

Hunkered down in the darkness of winter, time given to reflection and meant for withdrawal from the busyness of yesterday, I sleep gratefully. For when I awaken, I know the hope that only a new day can bring.

Spring pokes its head around the corner and surprises me, catches me off-guard. Like a newborn stretching and easing into life, I awaken and know that today is everything. Even when it is not Spring, a moment of light after a dark night, reminds me that this moment is what matters.

Now is where I can center my attention and focus, and assess my progress.

As sure as Spring comes around, I can begin anew, and I pause only to revel in this moment of perfection.

Each Moment…Anew

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