Self Expression Magazine

Favorites Friday.

Posted on the 19 August 2011 by Jlynnspeaks @jlynnspeaks


[Two new brass swans that will keep this brass turtle company on my vanity.]

I was originally inspired to start Five Things Fridays by my personal favorite blogger - Emily of Cupcakes and Cashmere.  I've really enjoyed thinking back at the end of each week and looking out for the brightest aspects of it, especially when the weeks are tough.  However, I don't always stick to five things, and sometimes they don't even make it out on Friday.  In light of this, I've decided to start featuring Favorites Friday, starting today.


[Boyfriend picked these two vintage bookholders up on Sunday, these two original Gershwin records on Thursday, and found them a perfect home on the sides of the fireplace.  Who knew I was dating someone with such a design eye!]


[Jammie Dodgers are a jam and shortbread cookies from England, and are something I consider a very rare treat.  Imagine my surprise when I found these sitting idly on the regular grocery store shelf these week.  Hooray!]


[Butterflies from Peru (they died naturally) and framed by a local artist.  Can't wait to put these up.]

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