Diaries Magazine

For Your Writing & Creative Inspiration: A Quote, Question, Prompt & More

Posted on the 11 October 2013 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot


Literary Granny Adelaide Crapsey on Submission & Unquenched Defiance

Each day, a quote, an image, several questions and a writing prompt are offered to you to use for  Your Writing & Creative Inspiration in order to increase your creative thinking as well as your personal and soulful  development.

The most helpful strategy is to read the quote, questions, prompt and list and not to "take them on" all at once, but to allow them to simmer in the back of your mind throughout the day. Sure, you may "write" one immediately, but don't call it "done" until you have allowed your powerful subconscious mind to bring up some unexpected responses for your conscious mind to create within.


"And if many sayings of the wise teach of submission I will not submit, but with a spirit unreconciled flash an unquenched defiance to the stars."

Adelaide Crapsey, inventor of the American Cinquain poetry form


When have you flashed unquenched defiance to anyone? What happened?

What are you currently submitting to that you don't want to submit to anymore?


I will keep what the "wise" teach me when....

I will defy what the "wise" teach me when....


Make a list of at least ten teachings you are happy to embrace and pass along.

Make a list of at least ten teachings you will openly defy and pass along your defiance.

Make a list of ways to add constructive energy to the sometimes perceived as negative energy of defiance.


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This Blog Series was created to increase your creative thinking process as well as Baltimore writinginspire writing and ideas to take form that may not have taken form without these specific quotes, questions and prompts. If you find them helpful, I hope you will pass them along to friends as well.

I’m so glad you are here, reading and creating.

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UBC-bannerbox200 Welcome to my elevent post (of 31!) for the October Ultimate Blog Challenge. Watch here for Your Writing & Creative Inspiration! Word-Love to YOU!

© 2013 by Julie Jordan Scott


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