Diaries Magazine

Get Back on Track

Posted on the 20 March 2012 by Mattie @comfyconfident

So I don’t know about you, but I had a great weekend. Maybe too great because I was feeling it all day yesterday. My stomach was killing me, I felt full, bloated and cramped… all at the same time. Clearly I indulged in too much food and alcohol. I used to have stomach issues a lot, but ever since I became more aware of my diet and especially this month as a Vegan, my stomach has felt way better. With the exception of yesterday. Ugh it hurt.

Since weekends like last happen (and for the most part, are worth it!) here are some tips I use to recover and get back on track from all that indulging.

Drink Water – lots of water, all day. Even if you don’t feel thirsty. Add some fruit or a splash of juice to add some flavor if you need some extra help drinking all that h2o.
Don’t get Discouraged – Even though you weren’t as disciplined as you told yourself you would be don’t get discouraged and throw all your hard work out the window. It’s a new week, make a plan, assess your goals and fitness routine and get back on track. Don’t let the nagging disappointments disrupt your motivation and goals.
Get off the Couch – You gotta move and sweat out the toxins from your weekend of indulging. Exercise can energize you and make you feel more like yourself again.
Eat Clean – I know, it seems obvious but eat more fruits and veggies. The water will help hydrate you, the fiber will help you clear out the toxins and you will soon feel lighter and more energized. Instead of oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, make a green smoothie or have fruit salad.
Banish Bloat – To feel back to normal cut back on starchy carbs and choose high fiber foods. Avoid salt and diary for a couple days.  Try lower-lactose foods (such as hard cheese or yogurt) or lactose-free dairy products (such as rice milk and almond milk).

It always takes me a couple days to bounce back after a weekend of eating too many chips and drinking too much, but I get there, eventually! I hate feeling sh*tty and I find the better I have been eating, the worse I feel, if I do indulge. I was doing so well this month but this past weekend really threw me off so, I am trying to eat lots of fruits and veggies and I am making sure I get enough sleep


How do you get back on track and feel better?!

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