Diaries Magazine

Hilarious !! : Does It Make You Uncomfortable When I Use the Word DONGLE?

Posted on the 19 February 2013 by Lynne @lynneknowlton

I don’t know about you, but when a television commercial airs on the tube …. I usually dart outta the room so fast, it makes the roadrunner look like a slow poke.

There are exceptions to every rule.

Like the day that I write on the blog about a television commercial.

I couldn’t resist.

Who knew that a commercial could be so hilare ??!!

Here are two words to describe this BEST BUY commercial with Amy Poehler :


Amy Poehler crushed it.   Killed it.   Laugh out loud.  Funny.

Congrats to Best Buy for making a commercial that people would actually watch



Here is the link to it on YouTube : Best Buy Commercial with Amy Poehler – hilariousness !

If every commercial was that funny, would you watch it?

I know what I’m going to to on my next trip to Best Buy.

Laugh inappropriately in the electronics department.

Does it make you uncomfortable when I use the word dongle ?

Roll on floor.

Bust a gut.

Laugh out Loud.

Do you deliver? No, I mean… do you deliver?! ahhh mmm.

Which one is the most vibrate-y-est ?

Still laughing……

What’s your favorite commercial ?

Do tell.  Do tell.

Share the link to the YouTube version of the commercial in the comment section.

This could be dangerously fun.


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