Diaries Magazine

I Am Determined

Posted on the 10 December 2014 by C. Suresh
There is a whole world of knowledge out there of which I am blissfully ignorant but I thought I knew my words at least. Even that consolation has suffered a few blows in the past, as followers of these chronicles know, and it suffered yet another blow recently.
I had always prided myself on the determination with which I pursue a life of watching TV and reading books and, now, someone tells me that I cannot call it determination. What the heck? I decided, as usual, to take recourse to my wise friend on this matter.
The problem, though, with my friend is that he never ever sides me.
"So, WHY can't I call it determination, damn it?"
"THAT is mere self-indulgence. What is so great about doing it?"
"What is so great about eating bottles, if you like eating them? Those guys tout their determination to eat the most bottles on TV and no-one objects."
"Well - they provide entertainment. What is the use of what you are doing to anyone except you?"
"Well - if people want to come at get entertained by watching me read books, am I stopping them? Just because they do not choose to do it, you question my determination?"
"Come on! Do not be fixated on just the fringe. There are lot of other examples of people pursuing worthwhile ambitions and not merely indulging themselves."
"Like who? You? Your pursuit of your ambition to become the CEO of your company is determination? Like you are not doing it because you want a bigger car, a huge house, business class travel and foreign vacations in five star hotels. AND what is all that if not self-indulgence?"
"Forget what I do with the money I earn. Concentrate on what I do to earn it. The social purpose I serve"
"Hmm! Really? I cannot see that the existence on one less soft drink in the world - or even all soft drinks - is such a huge loss to Society."
"Ah! You are incorrigible. Why am I arguing with you? IF Society chooses to pay money for your doing something, then what you are doing has social purpose and a pursuit of that is determination. Otherwise, it is not."
NOW - I got it. If I get paid to do anything, I am doing something worthwhile, even if what I am doing is spamming people with porn-site links. If I am not paid, then it is not.
I am NOW determined to pursue a life of reading books and watching TV, till they become socially relevant!

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