Creativity Magazine

I Love Myself

Posted on the 13 April 2013 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
.We all have turning points in our life , so did I and I call them soul stirring moments .Here are  few lines about awakening and enlightenment of my soul that changed my life.
I Love Myself
Neither my beginning nor the end
I had nor I will have control 
Its all about his hands

Neither my present nor my future
I can control 
It is controlled by his wand

My past I am told 
" Is bygone 
I must not regret "

"Like a docked ship in troubled waters 
I must flow
Till I reach the horizon 
The infinite world that never ends " 

"Like a Diva 
In this world 
I must venture ahead"

"Walk down the road
Wait for the story to unfold
Don't let the unknown world
haunt my soul"

"By now I must know 
The burning desire and audacity of hope
Are the last musketeers alive in this world "

I pushed my spirit 
Beyond my physical cage
To understanding of who I am 

Forgave myself for the sins I made in the past
Make constant effort to shine radiantly in the dark
For at the end of  the day
When my actions have paved the way
I must take pride when I  say " I love myself"
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