Self Expression Magazine

I Would Miss...

Posted on the 28 November 2012 by Ashleylister @ashleylister

At the moment, with winter’s cold temperatures nipping, the idea of being stranded on a desert island is quite appealing. Those who know me will be aware of my dislike of the icy conditions – at my boyfriend’s parents’ house, my spot is the one next to the fire, while friends and family buy me gifts to ward off the cold: hot water bottles, fluffy socks, flasks and warm jumpers (all very much appreciated).
So, thinking about what I wouldn’t miss (the British weather) made me wonder what I would miss if I was stranded on a desert island:
Books – Yes, I could take a handful with me, but I would miss having the luxury of choice. Often I read (especially poetry) based on how I’m feeling at that moment; diving in and out of different books until I find something that seems compatible with my current mood.
Bubble Baths – the perfect conclusion to those ‘bad days’.
Roo – My cat; a stray who can’t purr, has more attitude than a stroppy teenager and who likes to chew toes.
My Nephews – They’re still little, still growing, still learning new things.
Shaun – Often his constant talk and messiness irritates me, but if he suddenly vanished I’d quickly miss him. He makes me laugh, holds me when I cry, inspires me, encourages me and always believes in me.
Thank you for reading,

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