Diaries Magazine

Indigo Geeks It Up With A Bit Of Tank Girl (Baby Book Choice)

Posted on the 03 November 2012 by Susiemcbeth @susiemcbeth
Indigo in her walker is a force to be reckoned with. She moves like the flash and can get to places stealthier than Catwoman on a diamond hunt. Today she took it upon herself to raid the bookshelf.
My Fountain graphic novel hit the floor without a second thought, closely followed by my copy of Illustration Now 2 and Lost At Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley - what caught Indigo's eye was my copy of Tank Girl. As soon as she locked eyes on it, it became her sole focus. I watched her surveying it carefully, working out how to get her tiny baby hands all over it, which to be fair didn't take too long. Pushing a few more books out of the way (onto the floor), she grabbed Tank Girl, clutched it to her chest and zoomed away.
She then spent the afternoon flicking through the book and being very smiley and she was def not interested when I tried to swap it out for a baby book.
It is a bit early for Indi to be reading Tank Girl...but I have to say, I like her style.

Indigo Geeks It Up With A Bit Of Tank Girl (Baby Book Choice)

"Mine now, mummy!"

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