Diaries Magazine

Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.

Posted on the 18 June 2012 by Shayes @shayes08
Happy Monday, all! I hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day weekend and are having a better Monday than I. I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off pretty much all day and it doesn't look like the craziness is going to stop any time soon. But on the plus side, I get to hang out with one of my bestest friends tonight that I haven't seen in nearly two years. Super excited about that. But for now, it's time for the weekend's Instagram Recap.
And be on the lookout for some solid content posts this week. There's lots on the agenda.
And there's still time to get in your questions for me and Office Boy! Tweet, facebook, email, or comment and we'll be answering all your questions (hopefully) on Friday! 
Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'. Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.Instagram Recap: Just Chillin'.
1) My coworker found a Samoa Girl Scout cookie in a candy bar. Heavenly.2) She also introduced me to New Jersey subs. So yummy.3) Dark chocolate and cake batter FroYo with strawberries and sliced almonds. Yummm.4) FroYo date with Little!5) The raw ingredients that made up Friday evening's homemade meal for Office Boy.6) The end result: chicken in vodka sauce ("Communist Chicken," recipe courtesy of the lovely Emma Harr), whole grain pasta, lemon pepper green beans, and french bread sliced and toasted with butter.7) Saturday night's dinner: A delicious sausage and pepperoni calzone.8) Dessert: mint milanos are so delicious.9) Family movie night for father's day, complete with the traditional Sunday meal of popcorn and soda.
What did you do that was super fun this weekend? Share in the comments!

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