Diaries Magazine

Let Your Words Flow: Inspiration Via Prompts & More for Your Blogging & Writing Today Featuring the Words of May Sarton

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Juliejordanscott @juliejordanscot
Inspiration for Your Blogging, Writing & Creativity via Prompts, Quotes & More. Image Prompt: I struggle with the concept of there being "one way" for anything. Is there anything in this image which stands for your naturally struggles? Write about it...

Welcome to Let Your Words Flow: a Daily Quote, Prompt and Image for your Creative Inspiration.

 If this is your first visit, you will want to visit our Let Your Words Flow Guide so that you will receive the most value from the life changing content you find here.

Now - on with today's inspiration:


“Love opens the doors into everything, as far as I can see, including and perhaps most of all, the door into one’s own secret, and often terrible and frightening, real self.”

― May Sarton


What are some of the doors you have opened - to yourself as well as to experiences? Describe one or two briefly, as in a sentence or two.

What three words would you use to describe your "real self"?


Make a list of 5 to 10 things you are grateful for about yourself. 

Make a list of 5 to 10 compliments you have received lately. Bonus: Take notes over the next week of kind things people say about you.

Traditional writing prompts:

 One way to get to "my self" with my writing is....

For me, love opens the doors to....

When I come upon a brick wall, I use love to.....

= = = = =

 Thank you for your reading & participation in Let Your Words Flow! Please come back as we offer new prompts to spice up your blogging, writing and creative thinking every day!

Lywf logo 1a Lace curtains morning portraitJulie Jordan Scott is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy and mixed-media artist. Watch for announcements here about upcoming Writing Camp programs: both virtual and in your community! Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.

 Please stay in touch: Follow me on Twitter: @JulieJordanScot     

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