Diaries Magazine

Love, Misandry & Exclusion

Posted on the 17 November 2011 by M0derngirl @M0DDERNGIRL
Love, Misandry & Exclusion
Sorry Facebook friends, I'm doing it again. I just received a (well intentioned) message from a female facebook friend. Here was the message:
Place a heart (♥) on your wall without comment, only a heart. Then send this message to all your friends - only the women. Next, place a heart on the wall of the person who sent this message to you. And if someone asks you why you have so many hearts on your wall, do not reply. This is only for women to remember that this is the week to remember and care about breast cancer. And that we should always think about it. To make a heart, type < then the number 3 without a space.
Why are men excluded?
If this is to raise awareness then what is up with the secrecy?
Do you really think the Canadian Cancer Society or the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation would use this as a legit activity?
This is a hoax, and it's a ridiculous one. It was made by a random nobody, who just wanted to see if they could make it go viral. It's not connected to any legit Breast Cancer Charity. It's an ineffective way of "raising awareness." It is mainly designed to make men (and women who have yet to receive the message) curious and feel excluded.
And it's already been done. In January 2011, girls and women starting posting their bra colors for the same terrible reason. I wrote about it here Social Exclusion ... for cancer? and when I broke the secrecy and told men and others what the deal was, people got pissed at me.
Mocking men with little hearts or trying to be sly about getting their attention is a ridiculous way to address a serious illness. Check out my previous post Misandry is Hip? if this topic makes you furious.
I don't care. This nonsense is stupid.

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