Self Expression Magazine

Love The One You’re With, #636

Posted on the 27 March 2013 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1


It was a rare day yesterday.  My husband and I actually spent the day alone together….without kids.  This is the beauty of working for a Jewish organization.  Most Jewish institutions were closed yesterday for the first day of Passover, and the extra lovely thing is that my kids still had school.

Our day was super practical.  All we did was bring our cars in for oil changes, but the truth is…it really didn’t matter what we were doing.  We were alone and just enjoyed each other’s company.  Afterall, I married this guy for a reason.  I love being with him.  He makes me laugh, and he’s easy on the eyes, too, I might add.

At one point, he apologized to me for spending our day off doing such a mundane chore.  ”Are you kidding,” I responded, “Can you imagine how stressful this would be with the kids?”  Ahhhhh, marriage.  It’s amazing what a luxury it can be to do something so simple if you get to do it together without other little people to be concerned about.

Just saying….I love my husband.  I love my kids, too, but I am so appreciative of those rare opportunities when I get him all to myself…..even despite the fact that we have to be so practical.

My song of the day is Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young singing “Love the One You’re With,” because I will always love being with my man.  Click HERE to hear the song on Youtube, and I hope it prompts you, too, to spend some good time with the person in your life that you love being alone with, as those are the very best times to hold on to.

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