
Rotator Cuff Pain Symptoms And Relief

Posted on the 11 July 2013 by Painfrynet
Rotator cuff pain symptoms and relief. The major cause of rotator cuff pain in the shoulder is a tear in any muscle or tendon comprising the rotator cuff. Many people are confused about what is the rotator cuff . Well, it is a group of 4 muscles and their tendons that are located in the shoulder and which work to bring about movements in the arm. When the rotator cuff gets injured, it causes sharp pain in particular movements only. In general, there is little pain at rest.
Rotator cuff pain symptoms : 
  • Most people are ignorant when they get injured. But, an injury is often the cause of pain in rotator cuff muscles. 
  • The pain occurs in a particular movement of the arm, like lifting it up, throwing a ball, rotating the hand outside or inside. 
  • There can be visible swelling on the outside. 
The condition is aggravated by regular strain on the shoulder due to repetitive motion, like swimming, bowling in cricket and other such sports activities. That is why, this condition is most often seen in sportsperson. 
Rotator cuff pain relief using natural remedies : This condition can be relieved by some techniques at home. 
  • Rest : Take enough rest. The condition is usually brought on by exerting too much stresses on the hands and the shoulder.If the person takes ample rest and quality sleep, the pain should subside in a few days. During this while, one should eat an even more healthy diet and eat foods that promote healing of the internal structures of the body. 
  • Mild exercise of the hands and shoulder should be done when the pain has reduced to a considerable extent. Exercise in the later part of recuperation stage helps in speedy recovery and gain of strength. Avoid strenuous exercises like bench press, pull ups, push ups etc. Do easy stretching and external and internal rotation of the arm. 
  • Massage with arnica oil : Arnica montana is a yellow colored flower and herb which is known to relieve pain. Arnica oil can be mixed in olive oil and applied to the shoulder, upper arm, back of the shoulder and near the chest. It provides relief from pain. 
  • Apply ice : Putting some ice compress on the painful muscle region can reduce external and internal swelling, thus reducing pain due to excessive friction. 
  • Comfrey poultice : Comfrey is a herb that has been used to set fractures and heal injuries. A comfrey poultice can help in reducing the pain in rotator cuff. 
Pain after rotator cuff surgery : Some of the people who have rotator cuff pain go for corrective surgery. In some cases, there may be pain after the surgery. In that case one should quickly consult the doctor or the surgeon about the pain. 
Rotator cuff is a complicated mechanism which enables the wide range of motion in the shoulder. If these structures get inflamed or irritated, it is important to take rest and leave the body loose. Excess of stress, tension and overexertion of the muscles and tendons of the shoulder leads to pain that stands for a long time. 

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