Creativity Magazine

So Lost in Love

Posted on the 18 January 2012 by Alka Narula @narulaalka
Woman with Deeri was so lost in love , was thinking about you .......  the aroma in air had intoxicated my mind , and it could  think only about you  my love .....
lost in sweet pain , couldn't think beyond you.....and  the aroma of love was powerful enough to have blown me out of my mind ......... in thoughts , in pain i was bathed in sweetness that  was all around me ,my love.....
i cruised in love with a  beautiful feeling ,was thinking only about ,the blossom on trees added a new dimension to my love for you....   amused and in love ,i looked around  for you as the aroma i knew was
coming from you my love.....
like a fool i never realised ,besides the blossom there was  a moschidae too ,who  confessed to me ,  "he was searching for me and followed the aroma and found me " i smiled but never told him the musk he followed i followed it too to find him ,my love !!
photo credit photobucket,com

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