Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace. — Daniel 3:17
Sometimes I wish that I could live my life all over again. Be born in a different family, in a different era, in a different place. And me, a different person.
Sometimes I wish life isn’t written with a permanent marker. I wish it was drawn with a pencil, instead. And then I could take hold of that mighty eraser – The one that could erase the past. All the mistakes I did. All the pain I felt. All the hurt I caused other people. And when the page is white and clean, I can finally paint a different picture – A much better picture… Where there is less hatred and fear and anger. And where there are more smiles and laughter… Forgiveness and peace and love.
If all of these were possible, I imagine a much better me. Maybe a happier me. A me who is less bitter or less afraid of the world.
And then I begin to wonder… If things turned out differently… Would it lead me to God, the way this life led me to Him? If my life was more smooth sailing the way I wished for it to be… Would I be searching for God to ask for His help? If my life was easy and perfect and free from misery… Would I still need God? Where would God’s place in my life be? Would I prepare a place for Him? Would I even know Him?
Sometimes I wish I understood everything. But if I did… Would I ever learn about faith? And the beauty that comes with not knowing… Because the only thing that truly mattered… Is knowing that God has a plan for my life.
Sometimes I wish. But then…
Sometimes I don’t.
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. — Habakkuk 3:18
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This post is my contribution to the blog hop called Blog-Tag You’re It, where 28 bloggers from all over the world are participating. I am honored to have been tagged by Corinne, who blogs over at Everyday Gyaan. Not only is she a brilliant blogger, but she is truly inspiring as a person because of her love for people, both in the online world and in real life. Go check out her wish right here and then read some of her other posts and I guarantee that you’ll be inspired everyday. :-)
Meanwhile, I am passing this on to the equally wonderful lady both online and offline, Daisy, who authors the blog Tumultuous Journey. I have found her blog to be the gateway to her heart and to her life. Her honestly never fails to touch me and I always learn from her experiences. Her heartfelt wish can be found here and get to know her better by checking out her other posts.
God bless. :-)