Destinations Magazine

The Accidental Artist

By Coreyamaro


Artists interviews


Heidi Easely asked me to participate in the Accidental Artist Interview. Each day for nearly a month, Heidi will share an artist's  thoughts and ideas about how art has changed their lives. The video interviews took place with SKYPE and are posted online at:

If you would like to hear and see the videos you need to go to the link above and sign up. My interview will be posted in a few days or so.

Tell me how are you an artist? How do you live a creative life? What inspires you? What color are you today?

Can you believe that someone like me who can hardly stand a photo taken of myself agreed to do a video? I hope you will sign up to watch them. 


The Accidental Artist
The Accidental Artist
The Accidental Artist
The Accidental Artist
The Accidental Artist
The Accidental Artist

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