Diaries Magazine

This Day and That Day

Posted on the 10 August 2016 by C. Suresh
It IS getting a bit monotonous, yes, but here I am, again, not being able to understand something that the whole world takes for granted. Makes you wonder about exactly what was distracting God around the time He made me, considering the number of things he seems to have left out in the process.
It is not like I cannot understand these 'days' thing at all, you know. For one, I DO know the importance of my Birthday...or I did. A birthday was when I got one of the two pairs of new 'color' clothing for the year, was allowed to swank around in those 'color' dresses instead of the school uniform (Which accounts for why I refused for a loong time to believe that gray and white were colors - since THEY were the uniform and, thus, NOT a 'color' dress) and could be confident that for this one day my school-mates would go slow on baiting me. I think even this understanding is dated; when you get new clothes every other hour a birthday cannot be important for THAT purpose at any rate, which is probably why theme parties and the likes have started thriving.
I even can understand how Valentine's day thrives. I mean, when people in love will moon over and celebrate "The monthiversary of your first wearing that pink salwar after we met" and "The day of the week when you wear pink lipstick", it is easy to see how one more day of the year can add to the merriment. It is only later that you get this "How many dates am I expected to remember?" thing when reminded of birthdays and wedding anniversaries.
Take this 'Mother's day', for example. I always thought that it was the day children visited their mother in the old age homes, where they were conveniently tucked away and taken out to be viewed on this day. That comes of having my mother stay with me and remembering her the way she was - she would be happy to be wished on her birthday, her anniversary and things like that - dates that meant something personal to her. If I had gone wishing her 'Mother's day', she would probably have blinked uncomprehendingly and asked 'Whose mother's day?" But, then, maybe it does come in handy for all those with a bad memory for dates - easier by far to wish mothers on 'Mother's day', since the entire social media would be reminding you of it. To remember HER birthday, though...
THAT, of course, explains the importance of 'Friendship day'. Imagine trying to remember a host of individual dates of personal importance for innumerable friends. Especially where they are not close enough for you to bother to do so. Yeah, true, that Facebook does make it convenient for you to do so (unlike mothers, especially of my mothers' generation, who are not even on Facebook) but it is still such a chore. Easier to wish them all on Friendship day and, if you can also put in the 'You know who you are', it also neatly avoids the problem of having to list them.
These days are so useful, after all. Avoids much wear and tear on the memory. Pity that I cannot even remember these days. Maybe someone will come up with a 'Humanity Day' or some such and I can be done with it by remembering only one day. AND if Facebook can conveniently remind me...

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