Creativity Magazine

Valentine's Day

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Alka Narula @narulaalka

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A Valentine day special - a love song

All my love songs that I write
Are in your memory
I write , when you are not there
Time after time , though I try to forget the memories of the time ,that together we shared
But it is hard to erase the memories of past
And dreams of being in your arms once again
I live for you , hope you too feel the same !

Now when you are gone
Your mysterious smile communicates with me, when I am down
Your eyes speak to me in the dark
The dreams of you keep me strong
When they say , you  will come back again !

Tomorrow the time will be same as today
And I hope the feelings too will remain the same
Today on  Valentines day , I thought I should confide 
And share what I have been hiding
All this while ,when you left , when you were gone
The first kiss that we shared was as strong as
Intoxicating grapes , The Adam in you took my heart away
Now all that I want from you is to keep my heart safe !
Copyright ©2012alkanarula
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