Diaries Magazine

Way Back, Play Back!!

Posted on the 12 January 2013 by Kclark051 @classickc
This post has been sitting in my draft's since January 1st but like I always say better late then never.
I have been trying to get around to starting this look back at 2012. I have been trying to go through my pictures to pick out some of my favorite moments, but when I look back the most amazing and important news of 2012 was the birth of our daughter. Since April 1st, 2012 my world is consumed of only her at this moment. There have been many other memorable moments with the boyfriend, family and friends but nothing will ever compare to the day that she came into this world.
Way Back, Play Back!!Way Back, Play Back!!
So in light of me having no time to really go through pictures for each month, I found a questionnaire on another blog I read which gives you just as much important new as pictures would. So I hope you enjoy a way back, play back of 2012 for us.
1. What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?
First off, I gave birth and I am pretty sure I have never done that before lol. We also went to the movies on new years for the first time ever for both me and the bf. I can also see that happening again in our future now that we have a child!
2. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
To be honest I didn't really make any resolutions last year, we just hoped for a healthy baby.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Well besides myself, not people who I am super close with but I know a few that did.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
As I only met her a couple of times, the bf's grandma passed away in April and he was super close to her. The few times I did get to meet her she was amazing and I am sad I wont be able to get that chance of getting to know her a lot more. R.I.P Jane Ash
5. What places did you visit?
I was to preggs to travel anywhere for the first bit of the year, so we did a lot of road trips to see family members. When Bella was here, her and I took a trip on the plane out east to sackville to visit one of my good friends. Bella was amazing on the plane
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
To be a little more active and eat healthier. I would also like for us to have our own place sometime by the middle of the year.
7. What dates from 2012 will remain etched in your memory, and why?
Well of course the number one memory and I will say it again is April 1st, the day our little Bella was born. June 4th the day that marked our one year together officially! The first year flew by with us.
All the other dates that the little one did her firsts.
8. What was your biggest achievement this year?
I feel like I am a broken record with saying the same thing, but of course the biggest achievement was giving birth to our daughter. Also being the best mom I can be to her as a first time mom.
9. What was your biggest failure?
I am going to be honest here and to me I feel this has been a huge failure. I feel my biggest failure this year has been being a little bit of a crappy girlfriend to my man. Ever since the baby came I have been more irritated, bitchy and grumpy to him. You would think this would only happen when I was preggs and all those hormones but they got reversed in our case. I don't know why this has started and we BOTH are working on fixing this for each other. It could be the stress and always being tired with a new born baby...who knows, but I do know that this new year will be different and will be working on this to be the best girlfriend that he deserves.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Besides from a few colds nothing serious.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
I didn't make any huge purchases this year as we needed to save money for the baby. I would have to say some of my favorite things I bought were the special memorable things for Bella and all the Christmas presents I got the man this year.
12. Who's behavior merited celebration?
I would have to say my mommy. She has gone above and beyond to being the best grandma and mommy to us. She has been very generous to all of us which I always tell her she never has to. I know she does it because she wants to. She is the best mother in the world to me and I know anyone would be lucky to have her.
13. Who's behavior made you appalled and depressed?
I don't think there is a particular person really, I am just a little sad about how once I had a baby certain friends basically just stopped talking to me and just shows who really are your true friends. I don't really have all the time in the world to get involved in stupidness.
14. Where did most of your money go?
To buying out the car I currently had and everything baby related. Can't wait to start making a full pay check come April.
15. What did you get really excited about?
BELLA! Watching her say mama and start to crawl and seeing how happy she is in the morning to see me. That face of hers with her smile is priceless and always gets me so happy when I see it.
Excited to see the bf walk through the front door each day---break time for this mamma lol.
16. What song will always remind you of 2012?
I can't pick just one so...
Joni Mitchell-Circle Game
Ozzy Osbourne-Dreamer
Everything and anything by Drake and The Weeknd(my loves)
Chris Brown - Don't Wake Me Up
17. Compared to this time last year, are you :
a. happier or sadder? Definitely happier. Have the two most important people in my life with me
b. thinner or fatter?  Fatter lol. That is what a baby and the post baby weight will do to you
c. richer or poorer? Poorer lol. As above cant wait till April to get full pays from now on.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Eaten a little more healthier. Saved a lot more money.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Being a brat and so impossible to deal with sometimes lol
20. How did you spend Christmas?
I spent it with everyone I loved. Christmas eve and day spent with family.
21. Did you fall in love in 2012?
Yes I fell in love with my daughter!
22. What was your favorite TV program?
I am huge TV junkie right now and watch about everything. Some of my favourites are
Big Bang Theory
Everything on MTV
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate at this time last year?
"I don't really hate people. I severely dislike people - within reason - but that's it ha"
24. What was the best book you read?
50 Shades of Grey---these are the only books I have been able to read in a year lol.
25. What music did you get excited about?
I was patiently waiting for the new Bruno Mars cd that I was sooo pumped to get.
26. What did you want and get?
I have basically gotten everything that I really needed.
27. What did you want and not get?
I have basically gotten everything I needed.
28. What was your favorite film of this year?
We saw way to many movies this year and there were a lot that were really great ones.
29. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 26 in 2012 and I did nothing because we had just gotten out from the hospital the day before with Bella so we stayed home as it was our first night home with her.
30. What one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
To have been able to get this baby weight off sooner rather then later.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
Well the beginning of the year is was sweaters and leggings as that was all I felt comfortable from 6-9 months preggs. The rest of year is still leggings, jeans, t-shirts and cuter sweaters.
32. What kept you sane?
Sleeping, taking long showers and baths to relax and seeing my baby's face every morning.
33. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Not many to really fancy these days. Well maybe The Weeknd--I do fancy him A LOT.
34. What political issue stirred you the most?
I am not that into the whole politics. I was happy that Obama won in the states though.
35. Whom did you miss?
I miss one of my good friends that moved a year and half ago. I miss our visits and chats but was so happy to go visit her and see her sweet little family.
36. Who was the best new person you met?
Well besides Bella, no one new really came into our lives. Just the best friends and family we could ask for.
37. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
Treat people the way you want to be treated
38. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
"The best year of my life"
Until Next Time XO

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