Diaries Magazine

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy Photos by Dad and ’bout the Bazaar…

Posted on the 30 July 2012 by Blessmybag @blessmybag

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Regarding the bazaar, the Pang Gang (Pangilinan family) banded together and we contributed portions of pre-loved clothes, bags, and shoes to sell since I was awarded a free booth.  Because every family in the clan has their own life schedule set in place it was pretty challenging to track down and secure the stuff to sell, and there were even welcome contributions arriving during the bazaar itself, but all were totally willing and supportive.  I super understood that there was added difficulty because it’s no longer summer and many of my cousins are pretty much held captive in school (MOM’S CLAN: 9 married siblings w/ kids, I’m the eldest of 28 cousins).   Hey, guess what, though, the event itself didn’t do so well because of the downpours but my booth was a hit surprisingly not with people coming through admissions, but with the security guys, maintenance staff, and the concessionaires themselves who were permanently there for 3 whole days!

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Weather Forecast, Cloudy… – Fluffy photos by Dad and ’bout the bazaar…

Agnes, dad’s former exec assistant now freelances doing administrative duties and logistics for events. I pulled her on board because she was always our garage sale queen, full of good sense and know-how when it comes to clearance sales.

Some of the guards, my prized “suki”s, would return to the booth more than 5x a day for 3 whole days (suspects reselling), so you can imagine how safe and secure our booth was.  Some buyers actually thought I had a store (pensive) and they liked that many of the pre-owned clothes were laundered, some even ironed, and I knew exactly who owned them.  Since my booth was free I dropped the prices down to “ukay” glory because I could and in order to help our clan de-clutter.  So today is rest day for me after 3-days of fun-filled stress and puyat.  I haven’t exercised though in 3 days thanks to this so I better get back onto my exercise mat stat, from the Latin word statum, meaning IMMEDIATELY.

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