Creativity Magazine

What an Incredibly True Story

Posted on the 02 May 2012 by Somkritya @somkritya

once there was a bad luck man people called him Mr.Jinx which of course was not his real name but when you spread bad luck where ever you go No one calls you by your real name and wherever he went people suffered,lost bets got married( which no one is sure is good or bad) they fought,they melted, they froze even the frogs in the nearby pond sang Mr jixn is a horrible terrible wretched kretched bile vile man  


what an incredibly true story

Don't go by the picture,they are really sad

The kind people of STIKITIPOOG  gave him refuge but as soon as he entered the town the sheriff broke his leg falling form the bed his wife ran away with the cobbler of the town the cat woofed and the crows oinked and the donkeys..nah they didn’t change( how bad is that!) all because the bad luck man was there and snakes of the jungle hissed around and sang Mr jinx is a horrible terrible wretched kretched bile vile man what an incredibly true story

I say hiss,Mr Jinx is an alien

The people of TUMPLETOKEN took it as a challenge they invited him to stay over for the weekend but no sooner did Mr Jinx enter the town the cows stopped giving milk the horses started knitting sweaters the beer tasted like Orange juice and little katty started laughing like a hyena( oh my! a girl with that laugh) all because he was  a bad luck man and the witches of the north then sang Mr Jinx is a horrible terrible wretched kretched bile vile man what an incredibly true story The people of CRUMPLECOTH were followers of Satan they said no one can harm them at all but Mr jinx was going to shock them all for as soon as he stepped in the town Satan grew angel wings and a halo( imagine the shock) and the men, well i cant write about it here( but they all hid in their cellars for a long long time) the kids started writing epics( this can never be good) the  ants laid ostrich egg it was mess in the CRUMPLECOTH and the vampires watched all this in horror and  sang Mr Jinx is a horrible terrible wretched kretched bile vile man  


what an incredibly true story

Mr Jinx will go to hell

And every where he went things went wrong hyenas cried whole time crocodiles became vegetarians and ate the entire amazon It was getting worse and this I shared with my friend But she smiled and said Gottcha Ants can’t lay eggs,they are mammals  


what an incredibly true story

Well excuse me! But I caught your lie
Ants don't lay no eggs

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