Creativity Magazine

Winter is Coming...

Posted on the 27 September 2013 by Ashleylister @ashleylister
Winter is coming...
Winter is coming, it's ragged breath Leaves a chilled damp trail against a cheek Still echoing the heated embrace of Summer.
Winter is coming, it's staggered approachMarked by rising collars and covered skinTingling with the anticipation of first chill.
Winter is coming, it's fiery white iceLeaving isolated the lost and unlovedDrawing round the dying embers of oil drums.
Winter is coming, its misguided festivitiesEmptying cupboards and shop windows at paceLeaving overstuffed aristocrats jammed in arm chairs.
Winter is coming, its crystal white carpetsBurying life in ashy drained hues of crumbling frostTo be forgotten and mourned for a long time to come.
Winter is coming, the winter of our discontentMade glorious by the need for destruction and a slateWiped clean ready to be rewritten.

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