Diaries Magazine

Would Like to Win an iPad Mini for the Twins

Posted on the 09 November 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog
Hopefully my iPad mini. Sorry iMums I have used your image, hope you don't mind.

Hopefully my iPad mini. Sorry iMums I have used your image, hope you don’t mind.

Hi everyone. I would very much like to win an iPad for the girl. The iPad would be for the girls development and learning, everything is computerised and having a computer now days is not a want it is a need. Sad but true, the world has changed. It is a pity that it is so expensive to buy them and technology changes so often that it is hard to keep up.

So I have entered the iMums competition to win an iPad mini, and crossing fingers, toes and all in between as I would just love to win! The kids would be so happy and they will be able to learn and play educational games on it.

I have done all the extra things to help my entry and will see how it goes. As we are short of cash this will help my twins out emensley. It would be so nice to win.

Do you have an iPad for your kids? Do you find it hard to keep up with the expense? Send in your comments.

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