Diaries Magazine

You THINK You Can’t Make Money with Facebook? Let’s Take This Outside.

Posted on the 06 October 2014 by Lynne @lynneknowlton


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-15367 pib-hover-img" height="896" />


Whoop whoop wham whoomph!  Let’s duke this out.  Are you hearing that you can’t earn moola with Facebook?  I’m calling bullshit.  That whole giddy up about Facebook being useless for advertising is exactly that.  Useless information.

Here’s the truth: 

Facebook does have the giddy up and go go for making money for YOU.   You’ll be as happy as a lark.  On the downside, there has been a bunch of flack about Facebook and its algorithms.


#Facebook algorithms can make you cray-cray

Oh boy. Eeeeeeek.


Ignore the haters.  They are funking up the room.  You are about to prove them wrong.  You’ll be ahead of the game.

I get it.  I get that keeping up with Facebook changes can make you feel like you are losing your mind.

Facebook feels hot and cold and it changes more than the weather.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="wp-image-15364 size-full pib-hover-img" height="893" />

Facebook  Crazies


I’m about to show you that you can shake your groove thing on Facebook.

You can, in fact, make money with Facebook.  If you do it right. 


Let’s not pussy foot around the issue anymore …


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15385 size-full pib-hover-img" height="899" />


When people tell me that they can’t earn money with Facebook, I want to attack them with my pen.


#Facebook & Design The Life You Want To Live


I have three words for them : Get over it.


I know all of the Facebook shenanigans must make you feel a little bit bonkers.


Been there.  Done that.


Remember this:  Earning moola with Facebook is like a good shot of expresso.  It’ll help you run straight to the bank.


How do you do it?   You just have to start.


#Facebook : It's a beautiful thing.

It’s a beautiful thing !!


But first, the question that I want to slap on the table, smother in butter ….


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15365 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />

… and offer up for the taking is this:

Do you know how to use Facebook for your business?


If not, you need to learn how.  Right now.  


Helloooo Facebook marketing.  Helloooooo Amy Porterfield.  Let’s get our learning on.

I’ve gotta tell you, I have loved Facebook and hated it, in equal parts.

Not gonna lie.

Would you think more of Facebook, if it earned some money bananas for your?  Hmmm.  Let’s think about that for just one second.  Okay, thought about it.  Time’s up.  YES.

But still.  That naggy little jerk in our head says …


Should I really be spending money in Facebook? For what?  Whaaaat?? Does it work? Is it bullshit?  Is it worth it?  Do I need to learn about Facebook algorithms?!!  Erhmergerd.  Shoot me.  Shoot me now. 


Just me?  Okay.

*awkward silence*   haha.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="wp-image-15378 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />

Let’s  hold  hands &  figure  this  out  together


Do you want to get rid of your Facebook night sweats once and for all?

Gotcha covered.


Let me introduce you to Amy Porterfield.  She’s as sharp as a tack.  Rock me Amadeus.  She changed my Facebook world.  #JustSayin’

I actually met Amy in real life, once.  I could hardly speak.  Suddenly, English became my second language.   I was so excited to meet her, I almost popped my Spanx.  I’m such a dork.



You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15369 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />


Amy Porterfield is one of the world’s most respected authorities on Facebook Marketing for small business.  She has 108,000 Facebook fans!


That kinda sorta makes me a bit jelly jealous.  Shhhhh.


She’s smart.  Smart as all get out.  You should pick up what she puts down. She drops seriously good Facebook knowledge bombs.   


Amy has been a fave of mine for about 2 years now.  I have watched countless webinars and learned a ton.  An absolute ton.  I repeat.  A ton.  I’ve become a Facebook smarty pants.

Her free webinars are that good.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15366 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />


Here’s the deal. I watched Amy’s free webinar, the Facebook Marketing Plan and it taught me how to create my first ad.  It is soooo good.  You have got to watch it.  Keep your googley eyes peeled, keep your ears perked and your pencil pointy.. she doles out a lot of pointers.  Big time.


Guess what happened !?


I spent $25 with Facebook advertising and earned $447.


Guess what happened after that?!


You can bet your bottom dollar that I happy danced that one out.

Okay, it wasn’t a gazillion dollars, but I was proud as punch to earn any dollars from a platform that I once thought was a dud.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15368 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />


How did I do it?

Before Amy Porterfield entered my life,  my Facebook ads earned me a whopping $0 dollars.  Yeah, I was Facebook smart like that.

*face palm*


Amy teaches the coolest, newest most useful tools on Facebook.  She teaches you how to market yourself and your business … for GASP… profits!!  Money can feel like a bit of a dirty word, until you start earning it.  Dollar signs for eyeballs suddenly becomes appealing.

Advertising on Facebook equals making MONEY $$.  High-five.


Ba-da-boom-bada-bing.  Ching. Ching.


I normally hate talking about money.   I hate talking numbers.  Go square root your Auntie.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="wp-image-15384 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />

Let’s  Sit  Down  &  Talk  about  That


The point is that all this money talk and Facebook shenanigans is what got me thinking…

If I were a business owner, company with physical presence or online entrepreneur,  I’d do one simple thing to make shit happen.


I’d go to hell or high water to make people talk about my brand.


Why?  Because when people talk about your brand, it can equate to profits… if you do it right.


That’s a fact.


You need to have a system in place to do it right.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15375 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />


Listen here, GoGo Gadget, simultaneously patting your stomach and rubbing your head while goofing off on Facebook isn’t actually a big accomplishment.  It is not having a system in place.  It’s goofing off.

I’ve got your number.

It isn’t a big accomplishment to scroll through your news feed and find out what Aunt Ethel is up to.  Yawn.


Now, knowing how to market your brand or business on Facebook, THAT my friend, is an accomplishment.


It can earn you some bananas in your bank account.

Work smarter, not harder.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15366 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />


If anyone ever tells you that you can’t make money on Facebook, throat punch them.


If you want to get clear and focused with Facebook, and make things happen, watch these free webinars listed below.

Get ready.  You are about to entertain your lizard brain.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15371 size-full pib-hover-img" height="900" />


Video one : How to Build Your Business Despite the Challenges

Video two : How to Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet

Video three : How to Create a Facebook Marketing Plan


Shit happens when you have a system in place that automatically gets your dream clients and customers to your site and on to your email list.

PS.  That email list part is super important!!


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="wp-image-15382 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />

Don’t  Let  Your  Dreams  Be  Dreams


This is where the rubber meets the road : 


Click Here to Enroll in Profit Lab – Doors Close October 6th at 11:59pm PST


Today is the final day that Amy Porterfield will offer this course.  

Oh boy.  Look fast.  

Amy won’t be offering the Profit Lab program again until the Spring of 2015.


Take the pledge.   Make shit happen.

Go ahead, punch fear in the face and go for it.  Watch the free webinars and decide if you are up to the Facebook challenge.


P.S. I have proudly partnered with Amy to promote this program.  If you enroll by using my link, I will receive a commission and it will support my wicked liquorice eating habits. It is super duper supercalifragilisticexpialidocious important to me that you know that I only promote programs that I one billion percent believe in.  You have my word on that.  Word.


Promoting anything that I don’t trust and believe in would violate everything that my blog is about.  You are important to me.  I would never, ever in the history of ever, violate that trust.   I pinky swear promise.


You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="wp-image-15363 size-full pib-hover-img" height="508" />

I  just  love  you  like  that


With all this talk about Facebook, you should really go ahead and like my page or get slapped with a wiener schnitzel.   #JustSayin.

I share inappropriate things and swear occasionally.   Don’t tell your Mother.


That’s it ~ that’s all and goodbye September.

* Sad face *

Hellooooo October.  Smooch!

You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15381 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" /> You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15380 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" /> You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15383 size-full pib-hover-img" height="670" />

You THINK you can't make money with Facebook? Let's take this outside. Read more here --> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" title="You THINK you can’t make money with Facebook? Let’s take this outside." /> http://wp.me/p38cMm-3Zv" width="670" class="aligncenter wp-image-15379 size-full pib-hover-img" height="494" />


In the meantime, if you have a Facebook page … share your Facebook page link in the comments below and I will check out your page!  I may just give you a few hot tips too.   I have more juicy stuff to share.

PS. It’s only acceptable to talk to a wall on Facebook.  Now talk to me.   Right here.  Right now.  Let’s chitty chatty and talk Facebook wacky.  Let’s have a chin wag about Facebook.  Spit out what you are chewing on.  The comment section below will make your handwriting look ahhhhmazing.

Go ahead.  Try it.  I double dawg dare you …



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