10 Fictional and Nonfictional Women Who Should Be My Friends

Posted on the 28 November 2011 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

So often, women are placed on a pedestal simply for wearing a pretty dress or having shiny hair. Wouldn’t it be nice if your personal hero was on the cover of a magazine, instead of the latest airbrushed starlet? Know what I mean? There are a lot of amazing women I turn to for inspiration and guidance. I’d like to take this opportunity to spotlight the brains, spirit and beauty of the real-life and fictional women I admire:

1. Frida Kahlo

You saw this one coming. Frida Kahlo is the love of my life. If she were alive, I’d marry her and have her babies. How freaking gorgeous is she!? She was a goddess on earth. A tequila swigging, chain smoking goddess. LOVE HER.

2. Fairuza Balk


I feel like we could be best friends. She’s Pagan and loves black eyeliner too! Plus, she’s a talented character actress and has that awesome L.A. bohemian vibe I love so much. i read somewhere that she’s of Roma heritage which intrigues me to no end. Sooooo, if anybody has her number…

3. Darlene Conner

I learned the meaning of "sarcasm" while watching "Roseanne"

Darlene IS teenage me. Mopey, depressed and sarcastic, my favourite flavour of anti-hero. I told Fiancé the other day that he is the David to my Darlene, which he may or may not have appreciated even though I meant it as a compliment.

4. Roseanne Barr

If I look half as good when I'm 60, I'll be ecstatic.

Roseanne Barr is the crazy aunt I’ve always wanted. She’s a fiercely outspoken feminist and a pioneering woman executive AND she’s hilarious. For the record, “Roseanne” was THE show when I was a kid (next to “Are You Afraid of the Dark”) and it was the only show on television that was even remotely relatable. Remember how Roseanne wanted to write children’s books and Dan wrote songs and dreamed of being a musician but that didn’t work out ’cause they got married, got pregnant and had to work dead-end jobs and be stuck in Lanford? That’s the story of every single adult I knew growing up and it’s quickly becoming the story of everyone I went to high school with. There’s a lesson to be learned here… something about moving to a macadamia nut farm…

5. Marie Antoinette

I want that hairdo EVERY DAMN DAY!

Marie Antoinette is the original party girl. We could eat pastel coloured macarons and drink bottles of champagne. I’d borrow her clothes and she wouldn’t mind if I spilled chocolate fondue on her petticoats ’cause Louis could just buy her better, prettier petticoats. Plus, she was supposed to be a loyal and loving friend who valued the company of smart women. A woman like that is a rare gem in today’s world.

6. Hypatia

She just looks smart, am I right?

Hypatia is a Pagan saint (yes, they exist.) She was a gifted mathematician, scientist and philosopher in the ancient world who was the last keeper of the great library of Alexandria, Egypt. According to this article:

“Hypatia dressed in the clothing of a scholar or teacher, rather than in women’s clothing. She moved about freely, driving her own chariot, contrary to the norm for women’s public behavior. She exerted considerable political influence in the city. “

There was much upheaval at the time (415 CE) between Christians and Pagans. The Christians didn’t like Hypatia because she was Pagan, outspoken and possessed knowledge of devilish magic (a.k.a. scientific principles) so they killed her. She’s one of the great minds in all of human history. Think of all the amazing conversations we could have while smoking weed and staring at the stars. Not that I do that….

7. Lisa Simpson

As a child, Lisa Simpson was my role model. I love her as if she were a real person. Sometimes, when Fiancé and I watch “The Simpsons,” he’ll just stare at me and be all, “Wow… you ARE Lisa Simpson!”

My favourite Lisa moment can be found here on Youtube.

8. Mindy Kaling

Beautiful girl, beautiful brain

She’s hilarious, smart and accomplished. She writes for “The Office,” has a best-selling book and her articles are published in The New Yorker and Elle Magazine. She basically has the career I’ve always wanted. So, let me take this opportunity to say, “Hey Mindy, need a writing partner?”

9. Hello Kitty


She’s adorable and beloved by millions. Hello Kitty is a symbol of happiness and optimism and I need more of that in my life. Her very presence would brighten my day, except that she’d probably look weird standing in my living room in 3D…

10. Wednesday Addams


If the Goddess could promise me a child EXACTLY like Wednesday Addams, I’d have a baby. I think Morticia and Wednesday are one of the best fictional mother-daughter pairs. If only a highly intelligent child with a morbid sense of humour and a”pilgrim-chic” fashion sense existed in real life…


Who are your favourite women?

Who’s brain do you admire?

What character inspires you?