10 Social Media Sites You Need to Be on in 2013

Posted on the 07 February 2013 by Steveonline @steve_online

2013 is already a month gone. Fast huh?

I’ve collected my Top 10 Social Media sites that if your business, blog, art site is not on yet; it needs to be ASAP! They might not all apply to you and what you are doing online, but they’re great Social Destinations and sites you should consider leveraging to increase your viewers and online market share.

1. Buffer

This is the new horse in your online stable. I absolutely LOVE Buffer and once you use it, you will too. Set up your main accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and then when you share cool articles, stories, websites instead of dancing around all your sites you simply “Add to Buffer” and you can have it post instantly or drip out to your friends and fans throughout the day. Great for those on a morning train looking to spread content throughout the day but only have that 42 minute train ride to get things going!

2. Pinterest

Are you a visual person? Pinterest is a great site/app and if the visuals are your thing you are going to be right at home here. Pinning is simple, it’s addictive, and a tremendous way to show off your own products to others!

3. Instagram

Another pic sharing site/app and one I enjoy using. Take a pic, add some nice embellishments to it, and upload to your online universe. Great integration with sharing the pics to all your online outlets and super easy to use.

4. Tumblr

They’ve been around since 2007 and are only getting better with each passing year. A phenomenal amount of content and members posting, local meetups in your area, and the content is remarkably better than what your friends are posting on Facebook!

5. LinkedIn

For the business people, this is a must. Your personal profile is your online resume, and your business can have an online calling card for others to find you. They’re consistently added new features to the business pages most recently better cover art. You can even list individual products and services so it’s a must have for many.

6. DeviantArt

This is the BEST artist community online. If you are an artist you need to be here. If you love art you need to be here. If art even remotely interests you.. guess what? You need to be here! It’s also a deep well of creativity and positivity. I often just browse the site when stumped on any project just to wash my mind clear. It works every time!

7. Technorati

Huge site, blog directory, new site, technology center. There is a big of everything here at Technorati and if you are a forward presenting blogger there’s no reason not to get yourself listed on the site and start submitting your work. Their Top100 is a virtual who’s who of the digital worlds resources.

8. YouTube

Still going strong, YouTube will live forever. Are you doing something where video can help make your point, sell your products and services, or show people what you do? Take a short video and put it up on YouTube. You can even edit your videos on the site now, add soundtracks, pop ups with links… so now more than ever it makes it easy to make videos from items like smartphones!

9. Google+

A lot of people still hate Google+ and I’m really baffled as to why. Here’s a few things I DON’T see on my Google+ account: baby photos hourly, lunch pics, workout status updates, whining and complaining about life goal X, more random complaints, MEMEs until I want to throw up. But I see all of that hot garbage over on Facebook. Google+ has consistently improved their service every month and I’ve really enjoyed my time and the connections I have made there. You can put up a page for your business too and it only takes a few minutes.

10. Twitter

Are you on Twitter yet? NO??? WTF! Really, get on Twitter already and join the rest of the planet. Listen, it’s a technology driven world out there and not everyone wants to read your 14 paragraphs. Net it out, 140 characters or less. Are you ready? Tweet me! @Steve_Online

There you have it folks. 10 Social Media sites you need to be on in 2013 if you are not already. I hope you enjoyed the list and yes I know Facebook was not mentioned. They get enough publicity already don’t ya think?? Comment below if you have any new additions, up and coming sites, or other hot places you want to share.
