Self Expression Magazine

10 Things You Should Know About Me

Posted on the 31 January 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

1. Weirdly obsessed with Hawaiian culture. I love the food, the history, the flora and the fauna. So if any of you live in Hawaii, e-mail ([email protected]) and tell me about your life in obsessively intricate detail. Please.

2. Cinephile, BIG TIME. Movies saved my life. My favourites: The Craft, The Blair Witch Project, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Up in the Air

3. Witchy New Ager. This pretty much sums it up:

4. Wanderlust. I’m constantly planning trips I can’t afford to far off corners of the globe. Upside: if you’re ever in Madgascar, I         know a great restaurant.

5. Frida Kahlo is my personal saint. I mean, just look at her:

10 Things You Should Know about Me

6. Twin! I have a twin brother and yes, the thing about twins being weirdly connected is true:

My Twin Brother: Hey Randi, you know that guy who was in that movie and his dad invented shoes and now he’s in that          show that’s like an hour?

Me: Kiefer Sutherland? 

My Twin Brother: Ya, that guy!


7. Pisces to the core. Which means I’m very emotional and esoteric. The good news: if you’re a Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio or Capricorn we can be besties. Bad news: if you’re a Virgo you’re rolling your eyes right now.

8. Crafty. I like to paint and draw and stuff. I made this:

10 Things You Should Know about Me

Notice that i forgot to give him a tail. I said I was crafty, not anatomically correct...

9. I like to read biographies and other non-fiction books. Because of this I know random facts, like the migratory pattern of narwhals in the North Atlantic and the ancient Pagan origins of most Christian traditions. Yep.

10. Speaking of narwhals, I love them:

10 Things You Should Know about Me

That about covers it…

Tell me about yourself! I want to know who my awesome readers are!

10 Things You Should Know about Me

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