10 Tips to Retain Length of Hair

Posted on the 08 July 2014 by Thandi @sassymissy
1. Low Manipulation - Do not over comb your hair as this increases opportunity for breakage. Also avoid styling it often, when it's in its natural state. Rather do huge cornrows to avoid unnecessary manipulation.

2. Avoid doing tight ponytails or hair styles that pull on your hairline. Do it looser ladies

3. Detangle carefully and always use a detangle spray. It's also advisable not to comb when hair is very dry or very wet! These are times when hair is quite brittle. So only comb when conditioned, oiled or detangled.
4. Important! Growth occurs and average of half and inch per month! So they key is patience and consistency.
5. Moisture Moisture Moisture! I cannot stress enough how important moisture is guys! Water is your hair's best friend! Always have a small spray bottle filled with water for daily hair moisture. I added some olive oil to the water (3/4 water + 1/4 olive oil) in my spray bottle and it works perfectly as a detangler! Shoot two birds with one stone (^_^)
6. For very thick or coarse hair, use your fingers to "comb" the hair or use a wide toothed comb. In the same way, refrain from using brushes on hair. They pull more harshly on hair.
7. Avoid heat! By heat, I mean blow drying or using a flat iron. Its always better to let your hair dry naturally. But if you must use heat, do use a heat protectant.
8. Do protective styles! In the coming months I'll explain everything about protective styles. Basically, they are hairstyles that prevent over manipulation of hair. Example - Twists, braids, cornrows, weaves.

9. Do not allow hairstylist to do your hair tight! Complain if you feel your scalp is being pulled out of your hair! It doesn't make hairstyles last longer. It just causes hair loss and damages the scalp- Alopecia. To check out my recipe to cure alopecia click here
10. Trim hair only when needed- when there are split ends. Over trimming obviously hinders what you want! Long beautiful hair. However trimming is key to retaining length.

That's all guys! Hope the tips do help you retain length or improve the health of your hair. Remember, not all hair grows the same! Some grow faster, some grow slower. Patience is key!