People can experience trauma in various ways and it often manifests in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD is usually associated with the military, but it can actually affect anyone in any situation that they might find traumatic. For example, a person might be triggered by a traumatic childbirth experience, physical or sexual assault, a burglary, or a serious illness or injury which can sometimes be the result of medical negligence.
For people who experience trauma, both mental and physical, it can have a profound impact on their relationships with those around them, particularly with their partners. There can often be a significant shift in relationship roles and responsibilities, especially when the injured party has reduced mobility or cognitive function. This can cause feelings of guilt, loneliness, anger and depression, amongst other things, that can strain even the best of relationships.Read on to find out more about the types of trauma, how they can affect a relationship and tips on how to protect your relationship with your partner.
Types of TraumaA traumatic event is an event that can cause, emotional, physical and psychological harm. People respond to trauma in different ways, but generally, most people will have severe emotional responses, such as shock and denial fairly soon after the event.In some cases, people may not feel the effects of a traumatic event for months or sometimes even years after. Some examples of trauma include:
- Emotional or verbal abuse
- Physical abuse or assault
- Sexual assault
- Being involved in an accident or natural disaster
- Witnessing violence or abuse
- Childhood neglect
- Death of a friend or family member
- Serious injury as a result of medical negligence e.g. traumatic birth injuries such as severe tearing, brain injury as a result of surgical errors or misdiagnosis etc.
- Mood changes
- Anger and irritability
- Anxiety or depression
- Lack of concentration or focus
- Disrupted sleep or insomnia
- Social withdrawal
- Loss of appetite
- Flashbacks and fear that the traumatic event will happen again
- Stress-induced headaches and nausea
- Deterioration of a pre-existing health condition
Why Might an Acquired Injury can Affect a Relationship?
Acquiring an injury, and experiencing the trauma that comes with it, can have long-lasting effects for you and those around you. Certain injuries will have a physical impact on your life, as well as an emotional and behavioural impact. For example, if you suffer from a brain injury, you may experience memory problems, and difficulty focusing and making important decisions. This means you might not be able to carry out certain tasks you used to be responsible for, such as paying household bills or planning family activities. Similarly, if you suffer from a more physical injury, such as loss of a limb or a spinal injury, you will not be able to carry out the more physical tasks you used to. This could include tending to the garden, doing DIY, or even carrying piles of laundry around the house. A physical injury can also cause sexual dysfunction, which could significantly hamper your relationship.How Might an Acquired Injury Affect Your Relationship?Injuries and trauma that shift the responsibilities from one partner to another can feel unsettling for the of both you, and it can take time to adjust. You may experience stress, anger, guilt, and feel more withdrawn as a result of this shift. Similarly, your partner may also experience stress and loneliness from the added responsibilities and may be unsure how best to fit into their new role.What’s more, if one partner has to become the primary carer for the other, it can blur the lines between carer and romantic partner. This can make the relationship more challenging, as you’re spending a lot more time together, and seeing the effects of the trauma.Partners will have a strong sense of commitment and will feel obliged to carry out this caring role, even if it’s not something they like doing. With this new burden and responsibility, it can sometimes lead to a complete breakdown in the relationship.10 Top Tips on Protecting Your Relationship Post-Trauma
It’s important to point out that these challenges can be tackled, and that you can make your relationship stronger than ever if you work together to overcome them. So, how can you maintain your relationship when roles and responsibilities change following trauma? Try these ten top tips.
- Communicate
- Get Outside Help
All relationships go through tough times, even without the added stress of an injury and trauma. Don’t be afraid to get an outsider’s perspective on your relationship, whether that’s through family and friends, a marriage counsellor, a therapist, or a support group.You can find a list of relationship counseling services near you through the NHS Choices website. Alternatively, there are a wealth of resources available from Relate, the UK’s largest provider of relationship support.
- Don’t Forget to Look After Yourself
Caring for your partner can become a full-time role, and it can make it tricky for you to prioritise your own mental health. That said, it’s so important that you look after your own health and wellbeing before focusing on how to improve your relationship. After all, how can you possibly look after someone else when you’re not your best self.Making sure you get enough sleep, eat healthily, and take regular exercise can give you the boost you need to maintain a healthy relationship. If you’re struggling with your mental health, speak to your GP or find information and support from organisations such as Mind or the Mental Health Foundation.
- Make the Effort to Show you Care
- Create Regular Date Nights
- Focus on the Positives
- Find a New Interest or Hobby Together
- Remember it Takes Time to Heal
- Acknowledge the Change in Roles and Responsibility
- 10. Educate Others
Part of the reason partners, friends, family and co-workers may find it hard to adjust to your life post-trauma, is because they don’t fully understand it. If you can, take the time to educate them about how your injuries affect you, both mentally and physically. Or, point them in the direction of the right information. The more they understand, the more they can empathise and know what you need from them.
Creating Stronger Relationships Post-Trauma Acquiring an injury and living through trauma can have a dramatic effect, not just on you, but on your friends and loved ones. You may find that home life with your partner is drastically different, and it can put strain on your relationship.However, it’s important to remember that, with time and effort, you can come out the other side with a stronger relationship than you had before.Don’t be afraid to seek help and advice from others when you need it and to keep the lines of communication open with your partner. Be patient with each other, learn from each other and move forward together.