Self Expression Magazine

10 Ways To Drive Out Depression!!!

Posted on the 24 November 2011 by Krishnaidu88 @krishnaidu88

Depression….One of the many words that causes huge anxiety in anyone’s mind…Some are actually scared of this disorder because they are too afraid to actually accept that they are suffering from a mental disorder….Life’s complete turmoil unless and until we accept the complications and try  to solve them…But there are many who just don’t want to take the first step….In such circumstances staying focused itself is huge pain….You find everything irritating….You like to keep yourself isolated…Fear social exposure….The most naive things that probably You won’t even consider for a second seem so very important and all important things take a back-seat….You criticize yourself too much….The whole world seems to be conspiring behind you….

Well practically these are some of the delusions that we face when we are suffering from depression….So please do yourself a favor….Get some help or at least help yourself-

1.There is no way until you find it out….Cursing yourself only drains your energy….So don’t dig the bones out the OLD closet…Let them rest there in peace….Get a life….Yes,memories are hard to forget (specially when you have just suffered from bad breakup)….But instead of crying that you have lost the person with whom you shared those memories….Just lie back,remember the good times….Take deep breath in and be glad that the memories are still YOURS :)

2.Guilt and Ego are two very bad emotions….They can kill the soul out of you….In most of the cases the person feels guilty about something wrong that he/she has done with someone close….But the high-end EGO just won’t let you say the simple “SORRY”….So you will just suffocate yourself by keeping yourself away from your loved ones….But you won’t bow down…Come on take it easy….Too much guilt can actually get you entrapped in negative emotions….A simple sorry can do wonders….Try it!!!!

3.The worst news about being in depression is….fall in confidence levels!!!….When you are depressed,even the Old Grandma next door seems a threat ;) ….Jokes apart,drop in confidence levels actually affects your output levels because you lose your focus….You just keep thinking about what you want….neglect what You have…lose respect for yourself….In this process,you start negating things…What people see is absolutely negative image of you….So,please Trust yourself and respect your limits….Because you are what no-one else can ever be :)

4.Dreams….The most important part of our life….We dream about what we really want….Dreams are desires from the bottom of our heart….But depression just drives the dreams out of our head and puts “NO-ENTRY” board for them….You stop dreaming….you stop breathing!!!….Yes how can you survive when You don’t know for what you are alive….You start recoiling back…Depression strikes a terrible blow on your self image….So,you just fear about having expectations….This is something that should not be done….Whatever happens,don’t stop dreaming….Don’t stop planning and never ever give up at anything less than everything that You have dreamed for!!!

5.Human mind is creative….But at times it starts using its creative powers otherwise…..Our mind has amazing ability to distort things to make us believe whatever you believe in….So the more negatively you think…the more negative things your mind will discover to distort your mindset….So why think negatively and make things worse….I’m not saying that be Proud….No,don’t let anything get into your head….But do stay at ground level and appreciate yourself….Instead of moaning for things that You have lost….Feel lucky for people who are still there in your life….Because the people who went away were never truly yours….Adversity is always the best time to know the best people in your life :)

10 Ways To Drive Out Depression!!!

6. The biggest mistake that most of us do when we go through bad times is shutting up the doors….We lock up ourselves away from all near and dear ones…and in the process of punishing ourselves….we punish them for no faults of theirs….First thing we need to understand is that we are Humans and not apes….Because nature has gifted us with the amazing ability to think,speak and feel….So the next time you feel abit low…Don’t screw yourself….Think (because being away from your closed ones will only increase your pain),Speak ( because when you share your pain with your near ones,you decrease your pain),and ya FEEL….feel the love around you :)

7. Goal….the best way to keep depression away….When you have a goal,you plan…When you plan,you immerse yourself in work….You try to give your 100%….That’s where you take over your depression….When you keep your mind occupied,it doesn’t have time to think about negative things…..When you start thinking positively,Life takes optimistic turn…Always remember that whatever happens is always for the best….If you have lost something may be it was worth your effort…or may be God has planned something much better and bigger for you :)

8. Take a little vacation….Go out with friends….take a stroll by the beach….or go for hikes….Listen to old country music …Or just grap hold of your Grandma and make her tell you old stories…..Being a kid does not hurt….Don’t trap the kid inside you…Let it out at times….It’s nice to play cricket with kids in your colony…or soil your expensive cloths on rainy day playing football….Those days won’t come back….But you can surely relive them again….

9.Direction….No,I’m not talking about the direction to head back home ;) ….I’m specifically talking about the direction which will lead your Life….Having focus and Goal is not enough….You need to have direction….in simple words a fool-proof strategy to achieve these goals….Simply writing down scheme of things on paper and not putting them into actual practice will not get you anywhere….Come on,we are 99% out of depression….If you have come so far successfully without any hiccups….You can move ahead…Trust yourself :)

10 Ways To Drive Out Depression!!!

10.Congratulations….You are now completely back on trail to normalcy….Nothing can stop you now….The most important advice is…BEFORE YOU LOVE SOMEONE ELSE….LOVE YOURSELF!!!!

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