Creativity Magazine

100 Days of Embroidery Stitches

Posted on the 05 March 2021 by Realityarts @realityarts

100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
I committed to doing the 100 Day Project and decided to do 100 Days of Embroidery Stitches. Here are the ones that I have done so far.
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
The 100 Day project is about choosing an activity that you will do and you can choose whatever you like.  A couple of years ago I did 100 Days of Pastel Paintings, it enabled me to spend time with my pastels that I had never used and get familiar with them.
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
100 Days of Embroidery Stitches
You can join me on Instagram as I share them once every 3 days.  There are some that I initially have difficulty with and that is alright, you just have to try your best and come back to it from a different perspective.

For me the main thing is to enjoy the stitches and use them in some of my other stitched projects.  Not all the stitches that I am doing will be suitable, but at least I will know how to do them.I hope you are doing a 100 Project of your own and enjoying showing up for your self.Stay blessed and be a blessing.


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