100 Things That Make Me Smile #WorldSmileDay

Posted on the 06 October 2017 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Today is World Smile Day!

Smiling is infectious, contagious. Do you agree? When we smile at someone, they automatically smile back at us. Well, most people, that is.

Smiling definitely feels good; there's a rush of endorphins-dopamine-serotonin-all of which are responsible for making us feel good. And of course, the more often you smile, the better, eh?

While helping us connect with others, smiling also has health benefits. Your heart stays healthier, and you feel less stressed. We know that a number of health issues stem from stress. Smiling strengthens the immune system and boosts overall health. It seems those who smile a lot live longer. It goes without saying that someone who's smiling appears more approachable.

Smiling also reduces negativity, which leads to better motivation to do the things we need to do and be more productive.

Have you noticed how people who smile seem youthful?

So smile as much as you can. Fake it till you make it applies to smiling, too, because before you know it you'll be smiling for real.

And there are several reasons to smile.

Let's celebrate World Smile Day!

Can you list the things that make you smile?

Here's mine! ♥

100 things that make me smile

In random order, of course!

1. Coffee -the aroma of the day's first cup and the smell of freshly ground heaven

2. My daily routine-such as it is
3. Checking off items on my to-do list
4. Favorite TV comedy shows
5. The thought of my son coming home tomorrow
6. That stupid comment from a spammer
7. My unexpected birthday cake
8. The gentle warmth of the morning sunshine
9. My music playlist
10. A walk to the lake nearby
11. My photo albums
12. Listening to my son's school prayer
13. Scoring a discount on something I covet (yeah, man!)
14. Buying a book
15. Meeting friends
16. Blasting that thumping song are-you-nuts loud
17. Watching children play
18. Children cuddling their Mom

19. Memories
20. My flower lady's cheerful smile
21. Rain (I know, inconvenient, but joyous, nevertheless)
22. When my phone rings and it is a call from someone I enjoy talking to
23. Receiving a parcel.
24. That friendly lady at the supermarket who always has time to chat
25. A good blood sugar reading
26. A trip with family
27. Receiving a client payment
28. A new assignment I know I'll enjoy
29. The relief following a fart. (Admit it!)
30. Champa lowers
31. Babies-everything they do
32. When my doctor is pleased with me
33. Good hair day
34. Paying the bills on time
35. Vanilla ice-cream
36. My teddy bear

37. Meeting a work deadline
38. Tripping, but not falling. Oh, the joy!
39. A gift. Any gift.
40. Riding a motorcycle
41. When someone smiles at me; I just smile back spontaneously
42. Connecting with a long-lost classmate
43. When my friend brings me a birthday cake two months before the actual date
44. Eating with my family
45. Chocolate
46. Freebies. I am basically a kid. Oh, I'll give it all away but the joy of receiving it? Priceless!
47. That rare afternoon nap
48. A long bath
49. Dreams about my Mom
50. My son's laughter
51. Seeing my roti puff up fully

52. When my son works out something tough on his own
53. A rainbow. A double rainbow
54. When a dish turns out exactly the way I want it to
55. Social media-oh let's face it-it has its ups. You just have to set it up to be.
56. A well-fitting pair of jeans
57. Fresh sheets on the bed, new curtains
58. That unexpected "I love you"
59. Karma. Yep!
60. An email from a blog reader
61. Cold milk. Love it
62. Waking up early
63. A fast car-ride with the windows open or top down
64. Hugs
65. Dreaming of my dream home
66. Giving a gift, and seeing the recipient's reaction
67. Finding money in an unexpected spot at home
68. Puppies. Who doesn't smile at them?

69. That elderly couple in our neighborhood-so loving and always with encouraging words!
70. Finishing a sketch
71. Spring-cleaning
72. Blowing bubbles
73. Playing with bubble wrap
74. A new toothbrush
75. Petrol making rainbows in water puddles
76. The smell of fresh paint
77. Cleaning up my mailbox
78. Limericks
79. An empty kitchen sink
80. Coming home
81. Rearranging my closet-I am a bit OCD about that
82. Gloating over my bookshelves
83. Curd rice and pickle combo
84. Stationery-total fetish!
85. Junk jewelry. Love it!
86. Finishing a DIY project
87. My family
88. Marathon phone calls with my friends
89. The fact that the smiley face, an international symbol of goodwill was created by Harvey in 1963. I am thrilled about that fact. Today, it is the most recognizable symbol of good will and good cheer on the planet.

90. The expression on my scrap collector's face when I tell him to keep the money.
91. Being remembered by people in my area for my smile and being called the most cheerful person they know. Best compliment ever!
92. Watching a child enjoy her food and talk to herself
93. Walking into a clean kitchen
94. New bag.
95. My Mom's diary
96. My five-year-old friend's video chat on WhatsApp. Adorable!
97. Appreciation from clients.
98. A mega bowl of thick yogurt. Mmmm.
99. The joy that envelops me when I distribute food to the needy sitting outside the temple on Thursdays.
100. Imagining your expression as you read this list! (Amusement? Exasperation? Love?)

I can list more, but the point is, when we look, the reasons to smile are endless.

Follow this lovely exercise from Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh:

As you breathe in, say to yourself:

Breathing in, I calm body and mind.

Then, as you breathe out, think:

Breathing out, I smile.

Repeat and feel the bliss

A smile is the shortest distance between two people.

And . . . everyone smiles in the same language.

Did you smile today?

How are you celebrating World Smile Day? Have a happy post? Link up below. Spread the word. Spread smiles.

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury