10/10/10 – New Format to Our Nablopomo

Posted on the 14 October 2019 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

November is just around the corner, and while many of our writer friends will be participating in NaNoWriMo (congrats, y'all, and good luck!) - some of us will be doing what we do.

Running our yearly blog-marathon for National Blog Posting Month.

We call it NanoPoblano ... And Team Tiny Peppers... or Cheer Peppers. Whatever you call us, the important things are that we try together, and we would love if you joined us!

Normally National Blog Posting Month means we write a post a day, for the whole month- but this year, we're shaking things up! We're trying to make this a comprehensive blog challenge, complete with a ready-made community.

We're challenging our team to 10 days of posts, 10 days of reading/commenting, and 10 days of sharing posts through any other platform.

Obviously, you're still welcome to tackle this challenge however you'd like. Team Tiny Peppers is known for our wild abandon. But we'd love to see some organized blog revival this year. Invite your friends who need a boost!

I'll be there in November with my blog-shoes on, blogging the bloggy nights away.

We would love to have you join the team this year.
We would love to have you cheering us on.


The Frequently Asked

What does it mean to be on the team?

You sign up. I add you to a list. You commit to linking back to the list in your posts, or to sharing the full list. You get a snappy blog badge. You can join our Facebook community, if you want. You tag your posts #NanoPoblano2019 so we can find you in the reader easily on those 10 readership days.

There's no requirements about what you post or when you post. There's no policing. Just make your own schedule and do the thing.

How do I sign up?

We have an official website for that, but it's not 2019 ready yet

Since you're here now, you can just tell me in the comments or hit me up on any of the platforms where you normally reach me. rawra.avis@gmail.com

I need the name you want to be called, your blog address, the name you want your blog to be called, and your email address. (Your email address will not be published anywhere, but I will send you non-priority messages periodically.)

What if I'm not sure if I can do this?

No one is. Are you sure you can try? If so, you're eligible and we believe in you.

What do I write about? How do I do the social media part? What do I say in the comments?

Our website will help with all of that. We always have prompts. This year, we'll have more expansive tips too.

What else?

I'm sorry if the formatting for this post is wacky. I'm typing on my phone because reading is still a struggle for me, and the voice program on it is better than the one on my laptop.

Also, you're an important part of this community. And you are loved!