Saturday 10.12.2011
It was an exceptional Saturday for M. not to come at my place. I spend the day home, PC & TV.
Sunday 11.12.2011
Home, reading the book.
Monday 12.12.2011
Here are my short notes: umbrella, ZOO, Math, arryl, I door, drink coffee lesson
I can’t remember of any particular event from that day, all it makes sense is that it was raining and I probably went to buy food without umbrella or that I didn’t carry umbrella at all. I didn’t go to ZOO that day, perhaps someone has compared our class to a zoo. I was probably asked math, either we had a written work, maybe the I. stands for Irene standing at the door when I was around or vice versa. Somebody may have called me to drink coffee with them after lessons. Who knows, maybe Andrea?
Tuesday 13.12.2011
Notes: E. looking at me, M asked me, where’s Andy, shy on sport, arryl talking, monet
Analyze: I believe E. was looking at me either while waiting, either in the bus, at the door a male asked me where Andy was; I guess I was standardly shy on sport like nothing happened on the previous lesson, someone was talking to me and I have no idea why I have written monet.