
Posted on the 20 January 2013 by Cate @finally4ever

One more month to go before a little someone in officially a toddler! Lord help us all!

Just yesterday (I think) we were packing our hospital bags, now we’re planning a birthday party (owl style… of course.  ).

Some of her favorite things? Dancing to just about anything (including Mommy’s singing… which doesn’t bode well for poor Mike), running after the dogs, stealing their toys, ‘petting’ the cats (poor cats), anything remotely involving water, just about all food (her Momma’s girl!), being outside, calling Daddy 15 times a day on my phone, her Nana, Mimmie, and Grandma, playing with her walker and play table, squealing, and being naked.

Some of the things that aren’t very high on her list? Getting dressed or putting a clean diaper on. It’s a race to see who can be quicker, the naked baby running away or Mom and Dad? Getting her face cleaned up. Snuggling (still… sigh). Sitting to read a book. Wearing hats. Watching TV. Plain potatoes. Avacado. Night time bottle (didn’t see that coming!). Being contained when it wasn’t her idea. Shoes.

Really, the list is pretty short. She’s a pretty happy kid, and adapts very easily to any and all new situations. We got lucky!

The new developments this month? Walking is the biggest one. She’s cruisin’ all over the house and it’s hysterical. She waddles around like a little penguin. I love it. She’s getting bolder and bolder and is starting to pick walking over crawling. With this walking has also come some serious climbing skillz. We have to be vigilant about the stairs or she’s up them before we can even think twice. Our house resembles Fort Knox with the security measures we’ve had to implement to keep her little butt safe.

She’s also gotten one more tooth, for a total of four! Two top, two bottom. Her current diaper rash is hinting that we might see more in a few weeks, but I can’t feel anything. She’s fallen in love with Thai food. She can figure out how to get into the cupboards like a pro (more baby-proofing implemented ..  and I can’t even figure out how to work the damn things). She LOVES to put her head on pillows, blankets, anything really and will happily give ‘hugs’ if you tell her “Awww…” (Mimmie taught her that one!).  She’s starting to point to things that she wants, which I think is awesome. She’s slowly moving herself from two naps during the day, to one long one around noon. So many things point towards her being a big girl, I can’t even stand it! She’s tipping the scales (our scale, at least) at a hefty 18lbs! She’s in 12-18 month clothes, for the most part, and just making the jump to size 4 diapers!

And the blog has it’s own Youtube channel! If you want to keep up with everything video, feel free to hop on over and subscribe! I’ll try to keep Shannon, Willow, and all the other good stuff flowing including vlogging (video blogging) our road trip to KY! 

Check us out : http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTAB6Ckxjc2eq0kVFSbLE-A