11 Non-Traditional Holiday Movies and Episodes

Posted on the 23 December 2011 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

I’m not a fan of traditional holiday movies. I can’t stand A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, or White Christmas and I LOATHE It’s a Wonderful Life. My favourite holiday themed entertainment is somewhat non-traditional. So, for your viewing pleasure:

TV Episodes

1. “How Lily Stole Christmas” – How I Met Your Mother

Lily sets up a winter wonderland in the apartment for Marshall but then Ted calls her the c-word and she takes it all down, hoarding it in her old apartment like the Grinch. Barney get sick and turns into a whiny toddler and Marshall makes sure everyone’s presents get delivered in time for Christmas. Also, Ted’s religious cousins are hilarious. This episode is very festive and very adorable.

2. “Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo” – South Park

His name is Mr. Hankey. Google it.

3. “The Best Chrismukkah Ever” – The O.C.

I kinda love The O.C., in all of its angsty teen glory. This episode explains that Seth’s parents started celebrating Chrismukkah, a combo-holiday of their two faiths, so that Seth wouldn’t feel torn between or left out of either holiday. It’s a cute episode full of jokey sparring. As a Canadian, I’ve always been obsessed with Christmas in warmer climates, so this episode has that going for it too.

4. “White Trash Christmas” - Roseanne

Dan and Roseanne try to piss off the Neighbourhood Association by putting up the tackiest, ugliest Christmas decorations possible. Yesssssssss.

5. “So-Called Angels” – My So-Called Life

This is one of the more serious episodes of the series. Ricky goes missing and Angela and the Chase family go looking for him. Also, there’s an angel. This whole series is solid gold; the DVD box set would make a great alternative to the star on top of your tree.

6. Saturday Night Live Christmas Special!

There’s a couple SNL Christmas specials floating around the interwebs. Try to find the newer one with “Schweddy Balls,” “I Wish It Was Christmas Today,” Adam Sandler’s “Hanukkah Song” and Steve Martin’s “Christmas Wish.” Or just look up these sketches individually. Youtube doesn’t appear to have anything… but I’m sure you could find them somewhere…


1. Elf

Zooey Deschanel being adorable and Will Ferrell in a festive unitard. This is one of the cutest holiday movies ever.

2. The Family Stone

I LOVE this movie. Rachel McAdams character is my favourite. I want to marry into this family. I want to live in this house. I want to wear all of Diane Keaton’s clothes.

3. Love Actually

Obviously, this is the most lovely holiday movie ever made. My favourite story lines are the porn stand-ins and the old, washed up rocker guy. But there’s also cute romantic stuff, if you like that kind of thing.

4. Home Alone

This is the movie of my childhood. It’s amazing. We all know that. R.I.P. John Hughes.

5. Fred Claus

This is a newer movie, starring Vince Vaughn and Paul Giamatti. The message is basically that there’s no such thing as a naughty kid. Pretty awesome, right?

Have fun watching!